Peer Learning Task Objectives: conducting all your work in a different language environment, source evaluation, creating relevant study materials, giving instructions, class/group management, giving feedback Task: in pairs/groups, find a source - an interesting article/ podcast/ video/ talk/ piece of news/ etc. related to the topic of the week. Prepare (an) edutainment activity/activities for your class (discussion/exercise/game, etc.). In class, briefly present your topic to the class (avoid a PowerPoint/slide-oriented presentation; instead use posters, handouts, and whatever you feel will help your classmates). Engage your class in the activity/activities you prepared. The whole activity should take up to 20 minutes (if you are using audio/video, this can only take up to 5 minutes of the overall time allotted). The lecturer of your seminar group will contact you with information regarding signing up for a specific date. Tips, tricks and suggestions: *Look for sources that require certain standard or criteria be met before publication; just because something is in print or online does not guarantee the quality and reliability of the information. For more tips and advice on source evaluation, see, e.g. *The Peer Learning Task IS NOT a presentation! Your objective is to step into the teacher’s shoes and engage your class/group in an active use of English. The primary goal is to practice language use; the topic is a ‘tool’ to help you practice. *Create engaging and stimulating activities with clear and concise instructions. You want your activities to be interactive (pair work, group work) and effective. *Try to avoid prolonged periods of exercise check by projecting the key/results on the screen or bringing in a hard copy of it. *Do not forget to include your name, date and seminar in your hand-outs or materials.