Home Assignment 2 Vlastislav Dohnal PA220: Database systems for data analytics 27.11.2020 PA220 DB for Analytics1 Prepare Analytical Queries 1. List connection counts per app version and day during Oct 2020. • Print also totals per day, per app and grand total. • Sort the result by day and app both descending. • Add a commentary about possible anomalies. 2. List the connections counts in individual operator networks per weekday and month. • Print also the country name of the operator (extend the dimension) 3. Report on oldest and newest app version for all devices, e.g., for “HUAWEI CUN-L21” and not a particular IMSI/IMEI/car_key. 4. Report on the reliability of devices – number of app restarts without device restart (aka app crashes). • List top-10 for the combination of app version and device (if any) 5. Identify “connectivity” problems – an app instance connecting too often (i.e., next connection in much shorter time than 5 mins). • List raw results (particular devices (IMEIs)), aggregate by device name (Huawei …) and by app version. 27.11.2020 PA220 DB for Analytics 2 The queries will be run for at least for the period Sept 1 – Oct 31, if not stated otherwise. I do prefer execution on the whole data. Submission of Assignment 2 • Hand in to the IS vault: • ZIP archive with txt files per query, • the txt file named queryN.txt will contain • SELECT command, • result of EXPLAIN ANALYZE (plan plus execution time), • the first 20 rows (if too many) of output after the execution, • your comment if required. • Grading • 2 pts per query • total 10 pts 27.11.2020 PA220 DB for Analytics 3