Home Assignment 3 Vlastislav Dohnal PA220: Database systems for data analytics 04.01.2021 PA220 DB for Analytics1 Optimize Analytical Queries • Optimize all the queries from the HA2 • so their evaluation is at least 10x times faster • If you are not successful, mention it in the comment and try to judge why. • Prefer generic solutions applicable to more queries • creating just materialized views for all the queries is not enough • if so, I will require you to state how often the query must be executed to save resources before the view must be reevaluated. 04.01.2021 PA220 DB for Analytics 2 Submission of Assignment 3 • Hand in to the IS vault: • ZIP archive with txt files per query, • the txt file named optimizedN.txt will contain • original SELECT command, • result of EXPLAIN ANALYZE (plan plus execution time) for the original query, • comment on the optimization proposed, • implemented optimization (indexes, modified query, …), • result of EXPLAIN ANALYZE (plan plus execution time) after the optimization. • Grading • 2 pts per query • total 10 pts 04.01.2021 PA220 DB for Analytics 3