Short guide to Fall semester 2020 online English classes VB035 Lecturer: Z. Vašíčková 1/ Keep all deadlines. No submission after deadlines is accepted. Deadlines will be posted here and advertised again in online classes. 2/ Submit all work in high or at least good quality. Work that will be submitted in extremely low level (i.e. misspellings, incorrect sentences, meaningless structures, etc.) will be returned to redo. 3/ Feel free to ask me about the work, course, English etc, you can contact me over email, or G chat. It is ok to share questions in a group that might be relevant for more students. If an online counselling will be needed, we can arrange it. 4/ Tools in the IS that you can need: Studijní materiály, Interaktivní osnovy, Odpovědníky, Vzájemné hodnocení. 5/ You can sign to Mural. for free. 6/ Deadline to submit your assignments on formal email will be: week 47 (Nov. 16-21 for odd week), and week 48 (Nov. 23-28 for even week). Into odevzdávárna for your class. 7/ Deadline to submit your feedback in vzájemné hodnocení will be in the weeks 51, 52, 53 (Dec. 14Jan. 3) 8) Presentation of the final project will be held in the last online session. 9/ You will need to submit a short report on a lecture by IBM professionals (TBA). 10/ You can choose your own topic in peer groups for the final project. We will however discuss your ideas in the second online sessions. Therefore, have your ideas ready and do some introductory research so that your topics are feasible. 11/ Some ideas mentioned in the class: Explore opportunities for the Erasmus study - Explore study outside of Europe - Explore IT start-ups in Brno - Explore Czechitas - Explore the student film festival at FI - Explore IT labs at FI - Explore IT companies and their recruitment process - ….