HOW TO GIVE A GOOD PRESENTATION WHY BOTHER GIVING A GOOD TALK? First impressions matter! There’s no point doing good work if others don’t know about it or can’t understand what you did. Good practice for a teaching career! Good practice for any career! Helps you sort out what you’ve done, and understand it better yourself. TYPES OF PRESENTATIONS Quick 1-minute “what I do” talk 25 minute conference paper presentation Project presentation Thesis defense Job talk What they have in common: Never enough time to talk about everything All of them reflect on you & need practice/polish Focus on a clear goal and message. TOP 10 POINTERS FOR A GOOD TALK 1. Be neat 2. Avoid trying to cram too much into one slide Don’t be a slave to your slides. 3. Be brief use keywords rather than long sentences 4. Avoid covering up slides 5. Use a large font TOP 10 POINTERS FOR A GOOD TALK 6. Use color to emphasize 7. Use illustrations to get across key concepts May include limited animation 8. Make eye contact 9. Be ready to skip slides if time is short 10. Practice !! A “TYPICAL” PROJECT TALK OUTLINE Title/author/affiliation (1 slide) Forecast (1 slide) Give gist of problem attacked and insight found Outline (1 slide) Background Motivation and Problem Statement (1-2 slides) Related Work (0-1 slides) Methods (1-3 slides) Explain your approach; illustrate algorithm Who am I? What is the problem? Why is it important? What have others done? What is my approach? A “TYPICAL” PROJECT TALK OUTLINE Results (2-6 slides) Present key results and key insights. This is main body of the talk, but don’t try to show ALL results. Summary (1 slide) Future Work (0-1 slides) Backup Slides (0-3 slides) Optionally have a few slides ready to answer expected questions. 3 Things to Remember! OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER Oral communication is different from written communication Keep it simple and focus on a few key points Repeat key insights Be sensitive to your audience The same talk may need to be adjusted for a different audience Make the audience want to learn more Handling Q&A is as important as the formal talk itself HOW TO IMPROVE? Practice by yourself Practice in front of friends Practice in front of a webcam Watch footage later… alone… as painful as that may be! Take note of effective speakers and adopt their successful habits THE BIGGER PICTURE: COMMUNICATION AND YOUR CAREER Expressing yourself technically helps you make and use professional connections wisely You are joining a long-term community… Communicate your ideas to forge mentoring and technical relationships in the service of professional goals