IA010: Principles of Programming Languages Objects Achim Blumensath blumens@fi.muni.cz Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Object-Oriented Programming Original Definition divide the program state into small parts that communicate via messages Object-Oriented Programming Original Definition divide the program state into small parts that communicate via messages Modern Definition no consensus, but usually includes features like • dynamic dispatch • subtyping • encapsulated state • inheritance • open recursion Dynamic dispatch Methods next : unit -> object get : unit -> int iter : (int -> unit) -> unit length : unit -> int Dynamic dispatch Methods next : unit -> object get : unit -> int iter : (int -> unit) -> unit length : unit -> int Record [ next : unit -> object, get : unit -> int, iter : (int -> unit) -> unit, length : unit -> int ]; let new_empty() { let n = [ next = fun () { n }, get = fun () { error }, iter = fun (f) { () }, length = fun() { 0 } ]; n }; let new_node(val, next) { [ next = fun () { next }, get = fun () { val }, iter = fun (f) { f(val); next.iter(f) }, length = fun () { 1 + next.length() } ] }; let n1 = new_empty(); let n2 = new_node(1,n1); let n3 = new_node(2,n2); n3.iter(fun (x) { print "value is " x }); Syntactic sugar object { m1 : t1 ; ... ; mk : tk ; } ⇒ [ m1 : t1 , ... , mk : tk ] object { m1 ( a1 ) { b1 } ; ... mk ( ak ) { bk } ; } ⇒ [ m1 = fun ( a1 ) { b1 }, ... mk = fun ( ak ) { bk } ] type olist = let new_node(val, next) { object { object { next : unit -> olist; next() { next }; get : unit -> int; get() { val }; iter : (int -> unit) -> unit; iter(f) { f(val); next.iter(f) }; length : unit -> int length() { 1 + next.length() }; }; } }; let new_empty() { let n = let n1 = new_empty(); object { let n2 = new_node(1,n1); next() { n }; let n3 = new_node(2,n2); get() { error }; n3.iter(fun (x) { iter(f) { () }; print "value is " x }); length() { 0 }; }; n }; Multi-methods How to implement intersect : shape * shape -> shape ? Multi-methods How to implement intersect : shape * shape -> shape ? First try object { ... intersect(other: shape) : shape { ... } // ??? ... } Multi-methods How to implement intersect : shape * shape -> shape ? First try object { ... intersect(other: shape) : shape { ... } // ??? ... } Multi-methods let intersect(x : circle, y : circle) : shape { ... } let intersect(x : circle, y : rectangle) : shape { ... } let intersect(x : rectangle, y : circle) : shape { ... } let intersect(x : rectangle, y : rectangle) : shape { ... } Comparison with variant types type shape = | Point(int,int) | Circle(int,int,int) | Rectangle(int,int,int,int) | Group(list(shape)); let draw(sh) { case sh | Point(x,y) => draw_point(x,y) | Circle(x,y,r) => draw_circle(x,y,r) | Rectangle(x,y,w,h) => draw_rectangle(x,y,w,h) | Group(shapes) => iter(draw, shapes) }; let move(sh, dx, dy) { case sh | Point(x,y) => Point(x + dx, y + dy) | Circle(x,y,r) => Circle(x + dx, y + dy, r) | Rectangle(x,y,w,h) => Rectangle(x + dy, y + dy, w, h) | Group(shapes) => Group(map(fun (s) { move(s, dx, dy) }, shapes)) }; Type classes typeclass Shape(a) { draw : a -> unit; move : a -> int -> int -> a; dimensions : a -> [ min_x : int, min_y : int, max_x : int, max_y : int ]; }; type point = Point(int,int); instance Shape(point) { draw(Point(x,y)) { draw_point(x,y) }; move(Point(x,y), dx, dy) { Point(x + dx, y + dy) }; dimensions(Point(x,y)) { [ min_x = x, min_y = y, max_x = x, max_y = y ] }; type circle = Circle(int,int,int); instance Shape(circle) { draw(Circle(x,y,r)) { draw_circle(x,y,r) }; move(Circle(x,y,r), dx, dy) { Circle(x + dx, y + dy, r) }; dimensions(Circle(x,y,r)) { [ min_x = x-r, min_y = y-r, max_x = x+r, max_y = y+r ] }; Comparison Objects • allows inhomogeneous data structures • each class has exactly one superclass • easy to add new classes, tedious to add new methods • does not support multi-methods Type classes • distinction between types can classes • each type can belong to several type classes • does support multi-methods Variant types • easy to add new methods, tedious to add new variants • does support multi-methods Subtyping s is a subtype of t (s ≤ t) if values of type s can be used everywhere a value of type t is expected. Subtyping s is a subtype of t (s ≤ t) if values of type s can be used everywhere a value of type t is expected. • structural (OCaml) or by name (Java, C++) Subtyping s is a subtype of t (s ≤ t) if values of type s can be used everywhere a value of type t is expected. • structural (OCaml) or by name (Java, C++) Basic types int16 ≤ int32 ≤ int64 or uint16 ≤ int32 uint32 ≤ int32 or int32 ≤ float32 ? Subtyping s is a subtype of t (s ≤ t) if values of type s can be used everywhere a value of type t is expected. • structural (OCaml) or by name (Java, C++) Basic types int16 ≤ int32 ≤ int64 or uint16 ≤ int32 uint32 ≤ int32 or int32 ≤ float32 ? Records type shape = [ x : int, y : int ]; type circle = [ x : int, y : int, r : int ]; type rectangle = [ x : int, y : int, w : int, h : int ]; circle < shape and rectangle < shape Functions f a → b and g (c → d) → e g(f ) defined? Functions f a → b and g (c → d) → e g(f ) defined? a → b ≤ c → d ⇐⇒ a ≥ c and b ≤ d Functions f a → b and g (c → d) → e g(f ) defined? a → b ≤ c → d ⇐⇒ a ≥ c and b ≤ d • contravariant in a and covariant in b Functions f a → b and g (c → d) → e g(f ) defined? a → b ≤ c → d ⇐⇒ a ≥ c and b ≤ d • contravariant in a and covariant in b Example type shape = [ x : int, y : int ]; type circle = [ x : int, y : int, r : int ]; type rectangle = [ x : int, y : int, w : int, h : int ]; shape -> circle < rectangle -> circle < rectangle -> shape Invariance type box(a) = [ data : a ]; let get(box : box(a)) : a { box.data }; let set(box : box(a), x : a) : unit { box.data := x }; When is box(a) < box(b)? Invariance type box(a) = [ data : a ]; let get(box : box(a)) : a { box.data }; let set(box : box(a), x : a) : unit { box.data := x }; When is box(a) < box(b)? Suppose that box(a) < box(b). x : a u : box(a) set(u,x); // set : box(a) -> a -> unit let y = get(u); // get : box(b) -> b y : b Invariance type box(a) = [ data : a ]; let get(box : box(a)) : a { box.data }; let set(box : box(a), x : a) : unit { box.data := x }; When is box(a) < box(b)? Suppose that box(a) < box(b). y : b u : box(a) set(u,y); // set : box(b) -> b -> unit let x = get(u); // get : box(a) -> a x : a Encapsulated state type account = object { deposit : int -> unit; withdraw : int -> unit; }; let new_account(balance) { object { deposit(amount) { balance := balance + amount }; withdraw(amount) { balance := balance - amount }; } }; type shape = object { draw : unit -> unit; move : int -> int -> unit; dimensions : unit -> [ min_x : int, min_y : int, max_x : int, max_y : int ]; }; let new_point(x : int, y : int) : shape { object { draw() { draw_point(x,y) }; move(dx, dy) { x := x + dx; y := y + dy; }; dimensions() { [ min_x = x, min_y = y, max_x = x, max_y = y ] }; } }; let new_circle(x : int, y : int, r : int) : shape { object { draw() { draw_circle(x,y,r) }; move(dx, dy) { x := x + dx; y := y + dy; }; dimensions() { [ min_x = x - r, min_y = y - r, max_x = x + r, max_y = y + r ] }; } }; Inheritance • mechanism for code reuse • less typing • increases maintainability (no duplicated changes) • reduces code locality Inheritance • mechanism for code reuse • less typing • increases maintainability (no duplicated changes) • reduces code locality Variants/Degrees • delegates • adding methods • replacing methods • modifying methods Delegates type coloured_shape = object { draw : unit -> unit; move : int -> int -> shape; dimensions : unit -> [ min_x : int, min_y : int, max_x : int, max_y : int ]; colour : colour; set_colour : colour -> unit; }; let new_coloured_point(x : int, y : int, c : colour) : coloured_shape = let p = new_point(x,y); object { draw() { set_colour(col); p.draw() }; move() { p.move() }; dimensions() { p.dimensions() }; colour() { c }; set_colour(col) { c := col }; }; Adding methods let new_coloured_point(x : int, y : int, c : colour) : coloured_shape = let p = new_point(x,y); [ draw = p.draw, move = p.move, dimensions = p.dimensions, colour = fun () { c }, set_colour = fun (col) { c := col } ]; let new_coloured_point(x : int, y : int, c : colour) : coloured_shape = let p = new_point(x,y); object { include p; colour() { c }, set_colour(col) { c := col }; } Replacing methods let new_coloured_point(x : int, y : int, c : colour) : coloured_shape = let p = new_point(x,y); [ draw = fun () { set_colour(c); draw_point(x,y); }, move = p.move, dimensions = p.dimensions, colour = fun () { c }, set_colour = fun (col) { c := col } ]; Replacing methods let new_coloured_point(x : int, y : int, c : colour) : coloured_shape = let p = new_point(x,y); [ draw = fun () { set_colour(c); draw_point(x,y); }, move = p.move, dimensions = p.dimensions, colour = fun () { c }, set_colour = fun (col) { c := col } ]; • If another method calls draw, which version does it use? Open recursion type widget = object { draw : unit -> unit; resize : int -> int -> unit; ... }; let new_widget(width,height) { object { draw() { () } resize(w,h) { width := w; height := h; draw(); } } }; type text_field = object { ... }; let new_text_field() { object { draw() { ... }; ... }; }; Open recursion type widget = object { draw : unit -> unit; resize : int -> int -> unit; ... }; let new_widget(width,height) { object { draw(obj) { () } resize(obj,w,h) { width := w; height := h; obj.draw(obj); } } }; type text_field = object { ... }; let new_text_field() { object { draw(obj) { ... }; ... }; }; Modifying methods let new_coloured_point(x : int, y : int, c : colour) : coloured_shape = let super = new_point(x,y); [ draw = fun () { set_colour(c); super.draw(); }, move = super.move, dimensions = super.dimensions, colour = fun () { c }, set_colour = fun (col) { c := col } ]; Type classes Adding methods typeclass Eq(a) { equal : a -> a -> bool; not_equal : a -> a -> bool; }; typeclass Eq(a) => Ord(a) { type cmp = | LT | EQ | GT; compare : a -> a -> cmp; }; instance Eq(int) { equal(x,y) { prim_equal_int(x,y) }; not_equal(x,y) { not(equal(x,y)) }; }; instance Ord(int) { compare(x,y) { if x < y then LT else if x > y then GT else EQ }; }; Type classes Default implementation typeclass Eq(a) { equal : a -> a -> bool; not_equal : a -> a -> bool; not_equal(x,y) { not(equal(x,y)) }; }; instance Eq(int) { equal(x,y) { prim_equal_int(x,y) }; }; Multiple inheritance • allows code reuse from several classes • makes objects more complicated: • are common base classes shared or distinct? • which super class is used for a method call? Object types type shape = object type { draw : unit -> unit; move : int * int -> unit; dimensions : unit -> rectangle; }; let new_point(x : int, y : int) : shape { object { draw() { ... }; move(dx, dy) { ... }; dimensions() { ... }; } }; Mixins function F I → J mapping classes A I to F(A) J type coloured_shape = object { draw : unit -> unit, move : int -> int -> shape, dimensions : unit -> [ min_x : int, min_y : int, max_x : int, max_y : int ], colour : colour, set_colour : colour -> unit }; let make_coloured(s : shape, c : colour) : coloured_shape = [ draw = fun () { set_colour(c); s.draw() }, move = s.move, dimensions = s.dimensions, colour = fun () { c }, set_colour = fun (col) { c := col } ]; • can replace (multiple) inheritance Discussion • common problem: single mechanism combining all features • makes system complicated • causes conceptual confusion (e.g.,‘is-a’ vs. ‘has-a’) • better: separate mechanisms • cleaner code • only use needed features • object-oriented programming is powerful but complex • simpler solutions (e.g., higher-order functions) are often better • boiler-plate code gives false sense of productivity • object-oriented design leads to low performance (poor cache locality)