from typing import TypeVar, Generic # The class ‹Tree› represents a binary search tree. Implement # ‹search› that performs a search for a given key, in logarithmic # time and constant latency (between two calls to ‹suspend›). In # each step, pass the value through which the search has passed to # ‹suspend›, so that the caller can monitor the progress of the # search. T = TypeVar( 'T' ) class Tree( Generic[ T ] ): def __init__( self, value ) -> None: self.left : Optional[ Tree ] = None self.right : Optional[ Tree ] = None self.value = value async def search( self, key, suspend ): pass def test_basic() -> None: t = Tree( 7 ) t.left = Tree( 2 ) t.left.left = Tree( 1 ) t.left.right = Tree( 4 ) t.right = Tree( 12 ) t.right.left = Tree( 9 ) t.right.right = Tree( 17 ) class suspend: def __init__( self, v ): self.v = v def __await__( self ): yield self.v def search_l( t, v ): return list( v, suspend ).__await__() ) def search_r( t, v ): try: coro = v, suspend ).__await__() while True: next( coro ) except StopIteration as stop: found = stop.value return found assert search_l( t, 9 ) == [ 7, 12, 9 ] assert search_l( t, 12 ) == [ 7, 12 ] assert search_l( t, 4 ) == [ 7, 2, 4 ] assert search_l( t, 7 ) == [ 7 ] assert search_l( t, 8 ) == [ 7, 12, 9 ] assert search_r( t, 1 ) assert search_r( t, 2 ) assert not search_r( t, 3 ) assert search_r( t, 4 ) assert not search_r( t, 5 ) assert not search_r( t, 5 ) if __name__ == '__main__': test_basic()