The following presentation was prepared by Dominique Garval, Professor at the Reims Management School in Reims, France. It follows the logic and content of his chapter on strategic planning in the textbook, The Management of Strategy in the Marketplace, edited by Cadotte and Bruce. (See chapter 3.) The lecture fits nicely at the start of the Marketplace exercise when the teams are beginning to formulate their strategic direction or during the quarter when the marketing plan is being prepared. 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Strategy Formulation 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning What is Strategy ? A Voyage on the Ocean Controls Objective Strategy Formulation Tactics Strategic Analysis x Strategic Option x 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning • Objective : To get from Copenhagen to Helsingborg as fast as possible and as cheaply as possible • Strategic Analysis Departure point / Prices / Weather conditions / Sea conditions / Traffic conditions / Departure times / Duration of journey …. • Allocated Resources Business Expenses • Strategic Options : Bus? Rental car? Taxi? Helicopter shuttle? Boat? …. • Strategy : Take the helicopter shuttle • Tactics : Choose departure time / Prepare luggage / Buy ticket / Take ear plugs / Board the helicopter / Fasten seat belt ….. Example 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Business Example OBJECTIVES STRATEGY TACTICS PURPOSE Set ultimate objectives Meet ultimate objectives Meet contributing sub- objectives ACTIVITY Think / Doubt Think / Doubt Act / Believe TIME HORIZON Longer term Long term Short term MAGNITUDE OF EFFECTS Larger amplitude Large amplitude Small amplitude EXAMPLE (ONE STRATEGIC THRUST) •Improve profitability • … •Gaining a competitive advantage based on lower production cost • …. •Partnering for economies of scale •Acquiring new manufacturing technology •Improving changeover costs • … 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Firm Market Business Administration Firm Market Competition Business Strategy Environment DO WELL (70 ’s and earlier) DO BETTER (70 ’s and after) Why Business Strategy ? 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Strategic Process Results to be attained before a certain date Actual actions and operations that are necessary to execute strategy Objectives Strategy Tactics Set of carefully selected / integrated business priorities to achieve objectives 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Strategy (as formulated) Problem Strategy Formulation Tactics Controls Strategic Analysis Objectives Strategy Tactics •Resources made available •Strategic options •Choice of one option •Strategic Thrusts •Internal appraisal •External appraisal •Tactical Plans •Execution •Definition of problem 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Strategy (as crafted) PROBLEM / ISSUE Resources Analysis Objectives Strategy Tactics Scorecard People Timing Finance 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning The Key Questions 1. What is the problem to be solved? (Objectives) 2. What is the relevant information? (Strategic Analysis) (internal / external assessment) 3. Which of all our available resources do we allocate to this particular problem? (Strategic Plan) 4. What are the options? (Strategic Plan) 5. Which option to select and for which reasons? (Strategic Plan) 6. What are the strategic thrusts? (Strategic Plan) 7. How to implement the chosen solution? (Tactical plans) followed by: 8. Implementation of chosen solution and controls (Tactical execution) 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Worldwide Operations European Operations Poland Operations Objectives Saint Paul Increase Sales London Geographical Expansion London Polish Market Entry Strategy Geographical Expansion Polish Market Entry… Polish Marketing Strategy JOHNSON SCREENS : FROM SAINT PAUL TO WARSAW The Vertical Perspective (Example) 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Strategy Formulation : The Vertical Perspective Objectives Strategy Objectives Strategy Objectives Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Tactics 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning The Vertical Perspective (Marketplace) 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Finance Strategy Finance Objectives Production Objectives Production Strategy Objectives Strategy Marketing Objectives Marketing Strategy FunctionsFirm Product Objectives Price Objectives Distribution Objectives Distribution Strategy Price Strategy Product Strategy Communication Objectives Strategic Toolbox 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning The Vision The impossible dream ….. 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning The Vision (McDonald ’s) McDonald ’s vision is to dominate the global food service industry. Global dominance means setting the performance for customer satisfaction while increasing market share and profitability through our convenience, value and execution strategies. 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning The Mission The definition of the boundaries of acceptable activities 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning The Mission Statement (McDonald ’s) Serving a limited number of hot, tasty, food quickly in a clean, friendly restaurant for a good value to a broad base of fast food customers worldwide. 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning The Values • What a company believes in and stands for … 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning The Values (Wal-Mart) • Frugality • Hard work • Constant improvement • Dedication to customers • Genuine care for employees 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning SWOT : Strategic Analysis • Internal analysis • The firm itself • External analysis • The market • The competition • The environment Opportunities & Threats Strengths & Weaknesses Strategy 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning • A process of distillation • Interpretation: different people = different conclusions • Critical question : So what ? • Fact based - no wishful thinking • Necessary assumptions --> contingency plans • SWOT = basis for strategic options What makes a good strategic analysis? 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Preparing your Plan Given your vision, mission and values : 1. List the objective(s) to be met, 2. Perform a SWOT, 3. Identify the resources available, 4. Build strategic options – select one, 5. List the resulting strategic thrusts, 6. List the resulting action items, 7. Prepare a formal plan 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Strategy Implementation & Control 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning ObjectivesStrategyTactics Action Item 1 Action Item 2 Action Item 3 Action Item m Strategic Thrust 1 Strategic Thrust 2 Strategic Thrust n Objective 1 Objective p Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Action Items 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Organizational Aspects (McKinsey 7S Model) Shared Values Staff Structure Skills Style Strategy Systems 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Hard Elements Soft Elements Scheduling Aspects Tasks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . . Time (Time linkages) Deadline 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Gantt diagram Financial Projections Acceptable? Rework Plan Initial Plan Financial Projections Acceptable? Rework Plan Financial Projections Acceptable? Plan Validated No No Yes Execution Financial Validation of the Plan 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Strategic Management Systems Scorecards “What you do not measure, You do not manage…” Manageable Amount Useful Understandable Compared to Reference Values Financial & non Financial Performance & Performance Drivers Real Time Internal & External Information Provided 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Strategic Management Systems Scorecards Given a Strategy …… ….. Delta (t)= Measured Indicator (t) - Target (t) ….. Scorecard 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Strategic Management Systems Scorecards Given a Strategy …… …… …… Scorecard Indicator (t) Time Target (t)Delta (t) Strategic Management Systems Scorecards 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Financial Strategy Clients Internal Process Growth & Development Balanced Scorecard (Norton & Kaplan) 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Objectives Indicators Targets Objectives Indicators Targets Objectives Indicators Targets Objectives Indicators Targets Balanced Scorecard Key Questions Financial Perspective Indicators / Targets : To succeed financially, how should we appear to our shareholders? Customer Perspective Indicators / Targets : To achieve our vision, how should we appear to our customers? Internal Business Process Perspective Indicators / Targets : To satisfy our shareholders and customers, what business processes should we excel at? Learning and Growth Perspective Indicators / Targets : To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve? 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Balanced Scorecard Typical Indicators /Targets Financial Perspective : Share price, EVA, MVA, EPS, ROI, ROA, Contribution … Customer Perspective : Share, Image, Awareness, Level, Loyalty Level, Satisfaction … Internal Business Process Perspective : Time to Market, Quality Indicators, Productivity Indicators … Learning and Growth Perspective : Employee Turnover, Social Climate, Employee Satisfaction, Skills … 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Performance Scorecard Objectives Strategy Tactics Level i-1 Indicators Targets Indicators Targets Indicators Targets Objectives Strategy Tactics Indicators Targets Indicators Targets Indicators Targets Level i 1. - 2. ... 1. - 2. - 3. … 1. - 2. - 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - 7. … 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning The Management of Strategy 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Management of Strategy • Stated objectives vs. achieved results? • Planning vs. plans? • Success vs. luck? 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Planned & Emergent Strategy (Mintzberg) Planned Strategy Deliberate Strategy Realized Strategy Unrealized Strategy Emergent Strategy 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning When to Modify a Strategy? Problem Strategy Formulation Tactics Controls Strategic Analysis Actual Performance Different from Planned Performance Unexpected Changes in the Environment Experience Gained 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning How to Modify a Strategy? Problem Strategy Formulation Tactics Controls Strategic Analysis Last First Priority Order for Strategy Modifications 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Initial Plan Assumptions Contingency Plans : Dealing with Assumptions Initial Plan Contingency Plans 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Review & Key Strategic Lessons 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning “ Plans are useless – Planning is everything! ” Dwight Eisenhower 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning “ Are you lucky? ” General Napoleon Bonaparte 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning “ Chance favors the prepared mind. ” Louis Pasteur 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning Key Strategic Lessons • Strategy formulation is painful • Not a single solution to business problems • No pure analytical solutions to business problems 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning • Cannot believe models - but cannot afford to neglect them • Extinction by instinct - paralysis by analysis Key Strategic Lessons 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning • An optimum long-term strategy is not a sequence of optimum short-term strategies • Business continues during refurbishing Key Strategic Lessons 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning • In a turnaround situation, long-term is short-term and performance is cash • A key resource is management time • A good long-term strategy also requires a strong shortterm financial position Key Strategic Lessons 16 September 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning