Running containers in Metacentrum Sitola – Laboratory seminar 6. 10. 2021 Jan Hoidekr Running containers in Metacentrum ▪ Containers with Singularity ▪ Machine/Deep Learning frameworks, Alphafold2 in Metacentrum ▪ Tips for running containers 2 Singularity in Metacentrum ▪ Singularity ▪ Containers in HPC world ▪ “Integration is more important then isolation” ▪ Runs in user-space ▪ Singularity Image Format ▪ All frontend/compute nodes in Metacentrum ▪ Default binded /storage/* + support GPU, Infiniband ▪ – create/modify SIF images ▪ group builders, subuid/subgid feature ▪ definition files ▪ Performance note: loop inside 1 container vs. loop running containers 3 First use of singularity ▪ Run docker image $ singularity run docker://busybox ▪ In cache – download + build image + run ; 2nd run from cached image ▪ Build and run SIF image ▪ $ singularity build BB.SIF docker://busybox $ singularity shell BB.SIF Singularity> shell inside container, Ctrl-d to exit ▪ Modify image in 3 steps – use argument -f OR run as root ▪ $ singularity build -f -s BB.sbox docker://busybox $ singularity shell -f –w BB.sbox in shell `touch /MY_FILE` and exit $ singularity build –f BBmod.SIF BB.sbox + check if /MY_FILE file exists $ singularity exec BBmod.SIF ls / ▪ Definition files 4 GPU jobs in Metacentrum ▪ PBS scheduling system ▪ Queue – gpu – limits walltime to 24h, longer jobs possible in gpu_long ▪ Resources gpu_cap – cuda35 to cuda80 ▪ Hardware ▪ more GPU clusters ▪ 250 GPU cards – from Tesla K40 (2013) to A100 (2020) ▪ 2021 – new cluster 90x GPU 5 Alphafold2 in Metacentrum ▪ Highly accurate protein structure prediction with Alphafold, see [1] ▪ Published in July 2021 ▪ Docker image and 2TB of data ▪ “DNN inference on GPU” ▪ Wiki ▪ Prepared scripts to run in Metacentrum on GPU ▪ Parameters – input fasta file(s) + output dir ▪ cca 1h+ jobs ▪ CPU+GPU computation ▪ Memory 200G+ 6 [1] Jumper, J., Evans, R., Pritzel, A. et al. Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold. Nature 596, 583–589 (2021) NVIDIA GPU CLOUD ▪ NVIDIA GPU CLOUD – NGC ▪ AI, Machine/Deep Learning containers with GPU support ▪ CUDA, libs, … inside images, needs only drivers in Metacentrum ▪ TensorFlow, PyTorch + many other tools ▪ “Tuned” docker images with documentation ▪ Singularity support ▪ SIF images in Metacentrum /cvmfs/ 7 NVIDIA GPU CLOUD in Meta ▪ Pytorch example - MNIST Word Language Model ▪ qsub MNIST-WLM.job ▪ --nv for GPU, -B binds $SCRATCHDIR ▪ SIF image from Metacentrum storage 8 #!/bin/bash #PBS -q gpu #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:ngpus=1:mem=64gb:scratch_local=8gb:gpu_cap=cuda61 #PBS -l walltime=1:00:00 cd $SCRATCHDIR && wget unzip -q && cd examples-master/word_language_model/ singularity exec --nv –B $SCRATCHDIR --pwd $PWD \ /cvmfs/\:21.09-py3.SIF python ./ --cuda --epochs 6 clean_scratch NVIDIA GPU CLOUD in Meta ▪ TensorFlow example – modify NGC image ▪ $ singularity run TensorFlow:21.09-tf2-py3.SIF pip list | grep addons tensorflow-addons 0.13.1 ▪ Definition file for building singularity image, latest version of tf-addons ▪ $ singularity build -f TF-addons0.14.SIF TFaddons.def ▪ $ singularity run TF-addons0.14.SIF pip list | grep addons tensorflow-addons 0.14.0 9 Bootstrap: localimage From: /cvmfs/ %post pip install tensorflow-addons==0.14.0 Tips 1: Jupyter and Papermill ▪ Jupyter notebooks – interactive jobs ▪ ▪ PBS job + singularity + image with Jupyter (e.g. NGC TF, PyTorch) ▪ ▪ web access to compute node ▪ Papermill ▪ tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing Jupyter Notebooks ▪ saved input.ipynb -> set parameters -> -> run PBS job -> output.ipynb 10 import papermill as pm pm.execute_notebook( 'path/to/input.ipynb’, 'path/to/output.ipynb’, parameters = dict(alpha=0.6, ratio=0.1) ) Tips 2: repeatability, reproducibility ▪ Singularity image – saved READ-ONLY workspace ▪ File vs. directory with virtual environment ▪ Easy to transfer, and share ▪ stable environment ▪ Use PYTHONUSERBASE ▪ add python modules for development, then modify image ▪ best way: for each image different directory 11 Tips 3: repeatability, reproducibility ▪ Depreacted or changed functions in frameworks ▪ live development -> version skip -> lost of warning on deprecated/changed functions ▪ New colleagues onboarding ▪ same environment ▪ time saving ▪ ML Reproducibility challenge ▪ Task: „replicate the main claim described in papers“ 12 Transformers benchmark – PyTorch, TensorFlow PyTorch pip install transformers py3nvml from transformers import PyTorchBenchmark, PyTorchBenchmarkArguments args = PyTorchBenchmarkArguments( models=["bert-base-uncased"], batch_sizes=[8, 16, 32], sequence_lengths=[8, 32, 128, 512] training=True, verbose=True, env_print=True, ) benchmark = PyTorchBenchmark(args) results = print(results) TensorFlow pip install transformers py3nvml from transformers import TensorFlowBenchmark, TensorFlowBenchmarkArguments args = TensorFlowBenchmarkArguments( models=["bert-base-uncased"], batch_sizes=[8, 16, 32], sequence_lengths=[8, 32, 128, 512] training=True, verbose=True, env_print=True, ) benchmark = TensorFlowBenchmark(args) results = print(results) 13 Děkuji za pozornost! Jan Hoidekr, Thanks for your attention!