Risk management seminar Part 3 Strategic Process Results to be attained before a certain date Actual actions and operations that are necessary to execute strategy Objectives Strategy Tactics Set of carefully selected / integrated business priorities to achieve objectives 13 October 2021Copyrighted in its entirety, Dominique Garval, Strategic Planning First level of strategy Corporate strategy Second level of stategy Funkcional stategy – IT strategy, production strategy marketing strategy financial strategy HR strategy Organizational Aspects (McKinsey 7S Model) Shared Values Staff Structure Skills Style Strategy Systems 13 October 2021 Strategic Planning Hard Elements Soft Elements SBU definition with using 7S Methods SBU - Euromedica s.r.o. Strategy : corporate strategy for 2020 – 2023, integrated with financial strategy and HR strategy. Structure : Managing board, Supervisory board. Direktor. IT Servises. Sales Department. Ekonomics Department. Logistik manager. Systems : IT Systems – MS Office, MS SQL Server Account system Money S7 Small company managed by direcktor and head off the departments. Marketing system integrated in Money S7. Logistik system integrated in Money S7. Style: process oriented organization, with process maps and managed dokumentation. Staff: Managing board 3 persons. Supervisory board 3 persons. Direktor 1 person. IT department 3 persons. Logistik manager 1 person. Sales department : 12 persons. Economy department : 2 persons. Skills: Categorizing date. Audit skills. Process modeling. Process analyzing. Project management. Lead auditor for ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, 20001, 27001. Coordinating. Risk management. Shared values: Strategic thinking. Interviewing. Diplomacy. Advising.