Mistakes happen even to the best employees. When it happens to you, an apology letter for mistake at work will help you save face and redeem yourself. Fixing a mistake is the most important way to atone for the problems caused; however, an apology letter/email goes the extra mile to show that you admit to making your mistake and plan to make sure it does not happen again. Many employers appreciate when employees go the extra mile after having erred. You work for an international IT company and your team failed to meet a project deadline. Not meeting the deadline might result in the loss of an important client. Write a formal email of apology for the mistake to your branch manager in 150–180 words including a salutation and sign-off. - Describe the reason for writing and what type of project is being discussed. - Explain the situation and provide reasons for your team’s failure to meet the deadline. - Suggest a specific course of action to be taken and give details describing when and how the problem will be resolved. - Emphasize your team’s actions for fixing everything, along with your plan for preventing a repeat failure.