Homework Sheet 1 Exercise � (� points) Let A, B, C be propositional variables. Determine (with proof) whether there exists a formula φ such that the formula A → φ is equivalent to (a) φ → A; (b) φ → B; (c) B → φ. In a second step, determine whether we can choose the formula φ such that it depends on the variable C (i.e., there exist two variable assignments v, v′ that agree on all variables different from C and such that v(φ) ≠ v′ (φ)). Solution (a) We can obviously choose φ = A. In fact, this is the only possibility (up to logical equivalence). If v is a variable assignment with v(A) = , we have v(A → φ) =  and v(φ → A) =  − v(φ) . Hence, if A → φ ≈ φ → A, we must have v(φ) = . Similarly, if v is a variable assignment with v(A) = , we have v(φ → A) =  and v(A → φ) = v(φ) . Hence, A → φ ≈ φ → A implies v(φ) = . It follows that φ ≈ A. In particular, it cannot depend on C. (b) Such a formula does not exist. Let v be the variable assignment with v(A) =  and v(X) =  for all other variables. Then v(A → φ) = v(φ) ≠  − v(φ) = v(φ → B) . A contradiction. (c) Any tautology works. Another solution is the formula φ = A∨ B ∨C, which does depend on C. To show that this formula is indeed a solution, we can use a truth table, or we can argue as follows. The formula A → (A ∨ B ∨ C) is true if v(A) =  and if v(A) = . Similarly, B → (A ∨ B ∨ C) is true if v(B) =  and if v(B) = . Hence, both formulae are tautologies. Exercise � (� points) Let N = {, , , . . . } be the set of natural numbers. Suppose that we have a propositional variable An, for every n ∈ N. We call a variable assignment v an n-assignment if v(Ak) =  , for all k ≥ n . (There therefore exist exactly n n-assignments.) We call a formula φ an n-formula if it only contains implications → and (some of) the variables A, . . . , An−. (a) (� point) Find a -formula that is true for exactly  -assignments. (b) (� points) Prove (preferably by induction) that there is no -formula that is true for exactly  -assignment. (c)* (� point) Find a -formula that is true for exactly  -assignments. (d)* (� points) Determine (with proof) for which numbers n, k ∈ N there exists an n-formula that is true for exactly k n-assignments. Solution (a) for example, A → (A → A) (b) See the first part of (d) below. (c) (A → ((((A → A) → A) → A) → A)) → A (d) There is obviously no -formula. Hence, suppose that n ∈ N+ . First, we prove that every nformula φ is true for at least n− n-assignments. We proceed by induction on φ. If φ = Ak, every n-assignment v with v(Ak) =  satisfies φ. There are n− such assignments. Next, suppose that φ = ψ → ξ. Then φ is true for every assignment satisfying ξ. By inductive hypothesis, there are at least n− of these. Since − = ,itfollows inparticularthat thereisno -formula thatis true forexactly  -assignment. Next we show by induction on n that, for every n− ≤ k ≤ n , there is some n-formula that is true for exactly k n-assignments. For n =  and k = , we can take φ = A. For n =  and k = , we can take φ = A → A. Suppose that n ≥ . We distinguish two cases. If k <  ⋅ n− , we use the inductive hypothesis to find an (n − )-formula φ that is true for n − k (n − )-assignments. We consider the formula ψ = φ → An−. This formula is false if, and only if, φ is true and An− is false. There are n − k such assignments. Consequently, there are n − (n − k) = k n-assignments that make ψ true. Similarly, if k ≥  ⋅ n− , we take an (n − )-formula φ that is true for exactly k − n− (n − )assignments. We consider the formula ψ = An− → φ. This formula is false if, and only if, An− is true and φ is false. There are n− − (k − n− ) = n − k such assignments. Consequently, there are n − (n − k) = k n-assignments that make ψ true. It follows that there exists an n-formula that is true for at least k n-assignments if,and only if, n >  and n− ≤ k ≤ n .