name: time: ORAL EXAM CRITERIA good content clear structure (3pts – Introduction, structure + concluding, not summarizing!) usage of sign posting correct usage of English (3pts) * relevant range of vocabulary fluency correct pronunciation (avoiding irritating mistakes) stress and intonation quality and language of visuals (2pts) eye contact, proper body language overall impression (fun, passion, expertise, effort, dress code…) references good timing handling the Q&A session asking questions total: self-assessment: final points: *) 0 – weak, 1 – Satisfactory, 2 – Good but regular mistakes (prepositions/Subject-verb agreement etc.), 3 – mastery (For example, perfect use of perfect and cont. tenses) DISCUSSION - HANDOUT - ACTIVE PARTICIPATION = BEING PRO-ACTIVE (moving discussion forward, getting back on track, discussion phrases, summarizing) AND INVITING OTHERS TO PARTICIPATE (2PTS) - APPROPRIATE (FORMAL) LANGUAGE (3PTS) - AGREEING/DISAGREEING, TURN-TAKING, NEGOTIATING (complex argumentation, negotiating the topic at the beginning, negotiating the conclusion) (2PTS) - TASK COMPLETION (RATED AS THE WHOLE GROUP) – summarizing the whole discussion, important points and stances of the group and suggestions for further steps/action/studies - COHESION/COHERENCE (RELEVANCE) total: self-assessment: final points: