Articles: A: We speak about st for the first time Once a week, 3 times a day, 1.20 USD a kilo THE: particular thing – I cleaned the car = my car It is clear which thing or person we mean – in a room: the light, the floor, the ceiling, the door, the carpet Go to the bank, to the post office /certain in the town/, the doctor, to the dentist, to the cinema, to the theatre The city centre, the army When there is only one of something: the longest river in the world, the end of this month, the sun, the moon The sky, the sea, the ground, the country, the environment, the space /!space without article =universe/ The same The radio - ! television /no article/ The school, the prison, the hospital, the university, the church = particular school…. /her mother has gone to the school where her daughter is/ A type of things: the giraffe is the tallest animal. The bicycle is a very good means of transport. The dollar is the currency of the USA Musical instruments: the guitar, the piano… The + adjective = group of people /sg/: the young the old the sick The rich the poor the dead the disabled the unemployed the injured the homeless The + nationality: the French, the English, the Chinese, the Sudanese /pl/ NAMES: containing a general word: republic, kingdom, state: The Dominican Republic, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom Oceans, seas, rivers, canals: the Atlantic Ocean, the Amazon, the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal In plural: people: the Taylors Countries: The Netherlands Groups of islands: the Bahamas Mountain ranges /horská pásma/: the Alps, the Rocky Mountains The north, the south-east of /France/, the Middle East, the Far East Hotels, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, museums, galleries, newspapers, organisations: the Bombay restaurant, The British Museum, The Washington Post, the BBC Names with of: the Bank of England NO ARTICLE: Meals – breakfast, lunch dinner Television Platform 5, size 43, room 126, page 30, section A… School, prison, hospital, university, church - / =general idea/ go to school, be at school, school begins at… Bed, work, home Sea /in the meaning of voyage/ ! I´d like to live near the sea People, things in general: dogs, teachers, music, Chinese food, Names of sports: football, skiing, athletics… With most: most people, most books… NAMES: people: Ann, John Brown Places: continents: Africa Countries: France, Japan States, regions: Texas, Tuscany, Central Europe Islands: Corsica, Sicily Cities, towns: Cairo, New York, Madrid Mountains: Everest, Etna Mount+lake: Mount Everest, Lake Ontario Nothern France, south-easter Spain Streets, roads, squares, parks: Union Street, Fifth Avenue, Times Square, Hyde Park Institutions named after certain people: McDonalds, Harrods… Mr/Mrs/Captain/Doctor: Mr Johnson, Captain Cook, President Busch, Uncle, aunt, saint, Princess: Princess Diana, uncle Sam…