PERSONALITIES – word study A Which of these characteristics do you consider to be more attractive and less attractive? Which unattractive characteristics can you tolerate in your friends and relations? Ambitious Cautious Easy-going Enthusiastic Eccentric Disciplined Frivolous Gregarious Introverted Modest Outgoing Outspoken Reliable Reserved Resourceful Self-centred Self-confident Sensitive Serious Shy Spontaneous B The adjectives on the left are the opposites of the ones on the right. Match them up. Clever Generous Kind Narrow-minded Prejudiced Sensible Sophisticated Cruel Naive Tolerant Stupid Mean Foolish Open-minded C Decide which of the adjectives on the left have a similar meaning to the ones on the right. Smart Forgetful Glum Frank Reliable Self-confident Trustworthy Bright Self-assured Absent-minded Honest Miserable D Use a suitable prefix or suffix to form the opposite of each of the adjectives below. Un- Dis- -less in- im- il- biased careful competent credible decisive efficient happy harmful honest legal logical mature organised pleasant patient polite possible predictable satisfied tolerant E What would you call these personality types? Easily expresses emotions, smiles a lot, believes most people like or will like them, bold, likes to lead, would rather be a participant than an observer, gregarious, loves night life activities and crowds, likes to participate in group discussions, easy to get to know, spends more time with others than alone, fits in most places, likes to be popular, frequently touches people, spontaneous, optimistic, social chameleon, charmer, tends to be confident Suspicious of others until they have proven themselves trustworthy, more doubt than belief, preoccupied with death and suffering, bitter, looks for hidden meaning in things, personality is centred around low self esteem, feels misunderstood, defensive, feels like an outsider, existentially depressed, attracted to things associated with sadness, hard to get to know Calm, patient, easy-going, never gets too emotional, remains cool when others panic, not quick tempered, less prone to depression, trusting, optimistic, self confident, not swayed by emotions, not prone to envy, rarely worries, well adjusted, less prone to physical and mental sickness, more likely to exercise, able to bounce back from hardships Feels in good shape and look forwards to a long happy life, good self image, proud of health and strength, feels they are better looking than most people, high self esteem, loves physical exertion, more likely to wear tight fitting clothing, not prone to eating disorders, less likely to have health problems, takes care of self, athletic Does things primarily for the benefit of themself, puts their feelings first, can't do anything when they don't feel good, more concerned with themself than others, prefers personal glory over team victories, pleasure seeker, gets angry when they don't get what they want, dramatizes their suffering, wealth seeking, superficial, manipulative Feels pulled to the symbolic, archetypal, and mysterious; likes to look weird, believes in extra sensory perception, lives an experimental life, more abstract than logical, more likely to be a trauma survivor, looks for hidden meaning, different, unpredictable, more solitary, focus on fantasies more than reality, charmer, insightful, prefers strange clothing