Presentation evaluation Look at these presentation comments and try to say if you manage to achieve them or not. OPENING 1. Does the opening gain the group’s attention? YES / NO 2. Does it indicate what I intend to explain? YES / NO KEY POINTS 1. Are my key points clearly expressed? YES / NO 2. Are my examples apt and interesting? YES / NO 3. Is each key point summarized or emphasised? YES / NO 4. Are the beginnings and ends of the key points clearly indicated? YES / NO ENDING 1. Does my summary bring together the main points? YES / NO 2. Is my conclusion clearly stated? YES / NO 3. Do I come to an effective stop? YES / NO DELIVERY 1. Can the group hear and see me? YES / NO 2. Do I use eye contact to involve but not to threaten? YES / NO 3. Do I use audio-visual techniques effectively? YES / NO 4. Am I fluent verbally? YES / NO 5. Is my vocabulary appropriate to the group? YES / NO 6. Do I make use of pauses and silences? YES / NO 7. Do I vary my intonation? YES / NO 8. Is the organisation of my material clear? YES / NO 9. Can Do? I avoid vagueness and ambiguities? YES / NO 10. Is the presentation as interesting as I can make it? YES / NO Look at the presentation comments and say how frequently you manage to do it. OUTCOME/COMPETENCY ACHIEVED? 1. Do I provide appropriate background and context? YES / NO 2. Do I define technical terms used? YES / NO 3. Do I clearly give a thesis/discussion point? YES / NO 4. Do I give the preview and scope of talk near beginning? YES / NO 5. Do I clearly state the main points of the talk? YES / NO 6. Do I provide adequate support? YES / NO 7. Do I summarize the talk? YES / NO 8. Do I draw conclusion from the ideas mentioned? YES / NO 9. Do I deal adequately with the audience’s questions. YES / NO 10. Do I ensure an overall coherence to the talk? YES / NO 11. Do I argue logically? YES / NO 12. Do I sustain an argument throughout the talk? YES / NO 13. Do I critically analyse the issue? YES / NO 14. Do I research a topic using library resources? YES / NO 15. Do I provide clear signposting throughout? YES / NO 16. Do I use visual aids effectively? YES / NO 17. Do I use appropriate gestures and eye contact? YES / NO 18. Do I involve the audience, e.g. by asking questions? YES / NO 19. Do I express ideas clearly and audibly? YES / NO 20. Do I present within a time limit? YES / NO