tun» aim utniDimnu JIM WAGNER REALITY-BASED PERSONAL PROTECTION1 USE-OF-FORCE LADDER FOR CIVILIAN SELF-DEFENSE MURDER OH MANSLAUGHTER high risk UNSTABLE SITUATION conflict i FELONY ASSAULT ASSAULTA BATTERY VERSAL INDICATORS VISUAL INDICATORS CONFLICT CUES SUSPECTS low risk ACTIONS limited options I DEADLY FORCE REASONABLE FORCE VERBAL DEFLECTION CONFIDENT DEMEANOR STABLE SITUATION THREAT ASSESSMENT multiple options caution YOUR REACTION DEADLY FORCE: Any fwca Chat i& likely to cajw dealh or serious bodily injury. REASONABLE FORCE;: The level of force that e reasonable person would use In a similar situaiion. VERBAL DEFLECTION: Words, or silence, used to diffuse a gi1*jg1io.n rather than (oincile, CONFIDENT DEMEANOR: Physical appaarsflM of self-eonHdortw and dolwrnlnallon, THREAT ASSESSMENT Anticipating likely corVhrt oaths oefore they occur (al an levels).