Tour guide commentaries Before yon read 1 Match the pictures (1-4) with the names of the tourist attractions (a~d) and the countries they are in (i-iv). a the Taj Mahal- - - □ . i Egypt ■ □ b the Pyramids □ ii the USA □ c Ayers Rock (Uluru) □ iii India □ d the Statue of Liberty □ iv Australia D Reading 2 Read these two talks by tour guides. Match them with two of the pictures in Exercise 1. Vocabulary 3 What is the function of the phrases (a-h) from the texts in Exercise 2? Put them in the correct category (1-5) below. a Do you have any questions? b This is one of the most famous... c ,4syou can see,... d OK, if you are ready, let's go inside. e Please notice... f This is a superb example of... g The structure was designed by... h It was built in ... and it stands... 1 Introduction; saying where you are We are now standing in front of... 2 Summarizing It is a very good example of... 3 Giving key information It was built by... Itwascompleteddn... 4 Pointing out specific details What is interesting is that... 5 Inviting questions ■Are there any questions? 6 Getting ready to move on OK, follow me, please. Speaking ' 4 Work in pairs. 1 Imagine you are tour guides. Prepare a short commentary for a place that you know well, Use some of the phrases in Exercise 3 to help you. 2 Give your talk to some other students. Ask them to guess the place you are describing. Get real Work in pairs. Use the information you have collected from guidebooks, etc. to prepare commentaries for well-known sights. Present them to the class, and get students to guess which sight the commentary belongs to. Tourism and Catering