Compisteesch sentsítea with a word frbňj ihs OsL' tourist fsciWes boards tourist tiestjnsšfan (used 2x)' promoting tourism tourism industry - BnVshTou:ht Authority (BTÁ) 1. With sorrje&ipg to otfer evsryorsev ifs hardly surprfssTO that Britain is one of the world's Igsdjnn_. t2v ■ Britain's - - ~is big business: ^^t^oa^xsunds each, year and It is growing ail the Sine. 3- - - has accounted for one in six of all rsw jobs created ;n the iast 1G years. 4, The Government-supported_and separate tourist__for England, Scot&nd, Wales and Ncnisem íreiand are responsive ior Britain as a 5. Tit© iouristooard for ScoSand, Waíes and Northern ireíantí encourage the development of in Britain. EXERCISE 3 Ěšeícíí the words with their definitions. tourism traveller internal tourism Jncfrvidual tourism tourism board complementary service Official group of persons overseeing tourist organisation The Industry dealing with tourists Tourism intended for one person A person who travels Services offered to customers :f> addition to basic services Tourism within a country You w!Si hear part of a travel programme, in which a reporter taiks about the Scottish jourist Board. For questions 1-5, fill in the missing Ersformatlon. "gifflgrsšs SĎtsIsra.gKB^ss íusrizsm' kongresový feirismis ^ŠssíSiíoarten fheíS tuadzsmj lázeňský turismus : syde-Scarins [s^jHeréS cyldctunsinca áesfesšon ítíest?na3n|eá cesty, citová sSanics com|K©mertíssy servfce fšoiT^rrmeRtar: servis] doplňková služte gakíe fgašal průvodce iour manager [tua ritsnidžs] hlavní průvodce Incafáívs temrisK! íirťsscSv tuenzam] šicefitnmSsfoHjia&u CR KSnerary íaTSnersní ibrorař. trasa výietu, plán cesty tíšeííí rjtísfsníi zákazník SfTC-SJsScnsSTíKirisí Crcsr-ízstior; [nasáni tuarist o:gsn=?zeišn] ťSárcdní organizace CR vfsfe>f [vtzfísl riávšíěvník basfc ssrvšee [beisik sarvisj Kavní siužba íotirism pabScíSy ítusršzam pab'!isstil propagace CR tocrist centre Buarfel ssntSj středisko CR spsciaS irtterest íoarisns rspsšt intisst íusdzsm] ternafický CS ScaroparaíorAotíroraarilsar ítus'opsreíís, íua'o:g,anašzej" touroperálcr travel bureau [ífsbví bjuarsuj CK sustainaDíe tourism [ss'stešnebi tuarizamí *rvaie uoržiíeiný CR íoíh-ísí fíuarisí] turista íouring/wandering ííuenrj, woncarinj turistika rursi tourism [ruara! tuarizam] venkovský t-jrismus Zout ;tus' zá;e2d 3 O" hO^g^kilpěsí&iris^ka , : - IscSsíStvsícur 0T> fjni&žsšv tual zájezd s kshšíeH&ni sjuzbami =" L-rfonriEífon carrjre iiníatoeišn serdďí šíforniačni střeíSskc low cosi trsvaí 3&j kost ircevfj sccíáim CR to fce concerned to 3o sSi iksn'sarnd] mít zájem na, usšfovaí o ío bs -jtsfssřetí &! fíníasSca zajfmaí se o ío ba argamssci taggraizdj být orgaíMZíJusjíý . to bs svaiiaite [eNeěifo'} být k áspozjd ío satisíy [ssísfei] uspfAcyt to net [set] stanovit to tievslop {dřvaef)] rozvinout to fea responsible for [ífsponssbl fe:] být odpovécšiý- 22 ío eacoíKSgs [in1;2rJdž]poGp050vat ta present íprrzeníj podstavit, předvést to be accesses;a [ss'ses^] &ýt přfesiprrý ío sspand píťsp^Kií ro2šínt se ío be offer&d foísdi nabízet to establish n'stjeb^is] zřídit to promote Ipra'mam} propagovat ecoagrotourism je!osgr5t:'tusfizemi ^oagroturisSka ecctouriOTi [ekau*n,'9nz3fr.j eííotunsSika high season fnai sLsn) hiawi sezona tow season 1 oíf sessan fiau sr-zn. o; siizn} mimosezons I Tgupsrn Qrgaoisauo'^j^s^ficatton of Tourism tf^fet^ccw^pnses'the acbvmesof persons travelling to and (a) places outside their (b) ^fbt«oiumo*ethar -purposes %^"i[g) V^;r;.'irtvo1.vs: residents of a gives*country travelling oniy witrtn their ow-> cqji^^^, ^^^^^e^i^^r-^^^;tra^'|sg in the given country v ^ 5 (ijr„JiJWGiv^residentsof one country traveHing to aroi^er courtry t ^ ;j ft