EXERCISER) Decide which arteWr A, B, C or D best fits each apace. Passenger Services A journey by passenger train Involves work by many people. In various departments. The (1) . - ■ - - firstflnde the time of a train.from a (2) ,, -,- - ..or an (3)■:. He or she then buys a ticket'ara (4) and: perhaps reserves a seat at the same time.The traveller may have-tea. and a sandwich In a station buffet, A member of the traffic one. goesi through^the (6) ■directly onto department announces the trains. Prom the (5)__ the right (7) .Then he or she(8)1 . ;• the traln-The guard instructs the 'driver, to start thetrain;' The guard's duty Is to make sure, the train is safeiand to get it away on time, The. (9). „ - , ,, checks or collects passengers' tickets while the train is moving. If there Is a (10) stocked with food and drink, and the chef Is preparing the next meal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5,. 6. 7. . 8. 9. A)voyager A) timetable A) advise office A) booking office A) railway station A) overpass A) runway A) gets on A) porter A) couchette ear B) tourist B) announcement B) Inquiry office B) inquiry office - B) waiting hall B) underground B) embarkation B) gets In B) station chief - B) sleeping car C) mover C)plan C) bureau of departures C) reserved seat office C) entrance C) underpassage C) platform C) gets down C) shunter. . C) dining car . or a buffet, it has been D) traveller D) scheme D) left-luggage office D) left-luggage room D) underpass D) crossing D) assembly area . D) gets out D) guard D) postal car you have just issued this rait ticket Fxplain the:passenger what individual entries mean • * ís^tu!.' ?>S ÍT&-ÍTÍ K ~-*--f™<-- Cřflíí^iř tulifci-'f?! ■C Í. ' rj^ M>1 I— "* f-~>-tf^ "V- I Iii— U. ^ -a ® Listening Comprehension™,] Railcards You are going to listen to a conversation between a potential passenger ami a railway agent. The passenger needs Information on travel at reduced fare. Listen and find the cor-, reel answer: 1. The annual card costs ..... J - b) £55 ■ . ". ■ c) £20 2. The person whose name is written, on the cardgets. -. . ' a) 1/3 off most Standard tickets.' b) 1/4 off Savers and Supersavers c) 1/3 off most Standard Tickets If he Is travelling with at least one child 3. Children pay a) £l flat fare any time b) £l flat fare only if they are accompanied by both parents . c) £l flat fare if they are accompanied by an adult 4. It is recommended a) to book Supersavers less than 7 days prior the departure b) to buy Supersavers 7 or more days before the departure c) to buy Supersavers on the day of departure in order to avoid booking charges ' Y .- : .; 5. Supersavers • ; , Y a) arc flexible and can be vised on any day b) can be used over Weekends all year round c) can be used any time except peak days around.Christmas or.Easter and , e.g. on January I" Below is a list of things you do when starting a car. Put them in the right order.There are two Items that do not belong in the list. Which are they? Y a) put the car in gear b) start the engine ' .. c) put your foot on the brake' d)changegear ' e)getin f) put the key in the ignition g) open the door h) look in the mirror i) put your turn Indicator on j) sound your horn k) pull out I) put your foot on the accelerator