11.Sports and ethics, gambling in sports Code of Sports Ethics The basic principle of the Code of Sports Ethics is that ethical considerations leading to fair play are integral, and not optional elements, of all sports activity including recreational as well as competitive sport. The primary concern and focus is Fair Play for children and young people, in the recognition that children and young people of today are the adult participants and sporting stars of tomorrow. DEFINING FAIR PLAY Fair play is defined as much more than playing with the rules. It incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for others and always playing within the right spirit. Fair play is defined as a way of thinking, not just a way of behaving. It incorporates issues concerned with the elimination of cheating, sportsmanship, doping, violence (both physical and verbal), excessive commercialization and corruption. Fair play is a positive concept. Sport is a social and cultural activity which, practiced fairly, enriches society and the friendship between nations. Sport is also recognized as an individual activity which, played fairly, offers the opportunity for self-knowledge, self-expression and fulfillment; personal achievement, social interaction, enjoyment, good health and well-being. One can support the spirit of fair play in many ways, as an individual you have the following responsibilities Personal Behaviour - To behave in a way which sets a good example and presents a positive role model for children and young people. When working with Young People, - To put as a first priority the health, safety and welfare of the child or young athlete and ensure that such considerations come before the reputation of the school or club or coach or parent. - To avoid treating children as simply small adults but be aware of the physical and psychological changes that occur during maturation and how these affect sporting performance. - To take equal interest in the less talented as in the talented and emphasize and reward personal levels of achievement. Adapted from http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php-URL_ID=2223&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html Sports Officials Code of Ethics The National Association of Sports Officials believes the duty of sports officials is to act as impartial judges of sport competitions. We believe this duty carries with it an obligation to perform with accuracy, fairness and objectivity through an overriding sense of integrity. NASO declares acceptance of this Code: ARTICLE I Sports officials must be free of obligation to any interest other than the impartial and fair judging of sports competitions. Without equivocation, game decisions which are slanted by personal bias are dishonest and unacceptable. ARTICLE II Sports officials recognize that anything which may lead to a conflict of interest, either real or apparent, must be avoided. Gifts, favors, special treatment, privileges, employment or a personal relationship with a school or team which can compromise the perceived impartiality of officiating must be avoided. ARTICLE III Sports officials have an obligation to treat other officials with professional dignity and courtesy and recognize that it is inappropriate to criticize other officials publicly. ARTICLE IV Sports officials have a responsibility to continuously seek self-improvement through study of the game, rules, mechanics and the techniques of game management. They have a responsibility to accurately represent their qualifications and abilities when requesting or accepting officiating assignments. ARTICLE V Sports officials shall protect the public (fans, administrators, coaches, players, et al.) from inappropriate conduct and shall attempt to eliminate from the officiating avocation/profession all practices which bring discredit to it. ARTICLE VI Sports officials shall not be party to actions designed to unfairly limit or restrain access to officiating, officiating assignments or association membership. This includes selection for positions of leadership based upon economic factors, race, creed, color, age, sex, physical handicap, country or national origin. http://www.naso.org/benefits/ethics.htm TASK!!! Types of sports gambling. Expand on the following topics: - online casino betting - horse gambling - sports betting