Linking Words (2 points)
Select the best option.
  1. I’m afraid I can’t give the presentation tomorrow :v1a we arranged.
  2. People dislike that film :v1b it’s long and boring.
  3. Almost 90% of Slovenians accepted their country's membership to the EU; :v1c only 10% said they were against Slovenia joining The Fifteen.
  4. There was only one person against the idea, :v1d the vice-dean.
:v1a="while" :v2a="as" ok :v3a="like" :v1b="because" ok :v2b="meanwhile" :v3b="consequently" :v1c="on the contrary" ok :v2c="similarly" :v3c="including" :v1d="despite" :v2d="namely" ok :v3d="such as"