Telephoning Match the phrases with their headings: Making an appointment Making contact Mobile phone conversation Leaving a message Changing an appointment Good morning, Hello. This is... (Claire Hallan). Is that... (Rosa.)? - Yes, speaking. Could I speak to... (Mr Ames)? - Who’s calling, please? Sorry, what did you say your name was? Can I have extension (265)? – Hold on, please. I´m calling /phoning/ about …/the meeting/ . I´ll put you through. I´ll connect you. I´m, afraid….. (Mr Dean) isn’t available today. Sorry, he is on the other line, will you hold? I’m sorry, the line is busy /engaged/ . Will you hold? – No, I´ll call again later /ring back/. Would you like to leave a message? Can I take a message? I´ll give (her) your message. Sorry, could you repeat it /say that again/? Sorry, what did you say your name was? Sorry, I didn´t catch your name. Shall I ask... (him) to ring you? Could I leave a message? Could you ask... (her) to call... (Bob Dunn)? Could you tell... (him) that... (James) called? Could you spell... (your name), please? I´ll pass on the message. When would be convenient for you? When would suit you? When would be possible for you? What time could we meet? What time are you free? Could you manage Thursday morning? Would... (Tuesday) be convenient? - Yes... (Tuesday) would be fine. Could you manage... (tomorrow)? - Yes... (tomorrow) suits me fine. Shall we say... (10 a.m.)? - Yes, I can make it then. Can you make it... (in the afternoon)? - No, I’m afraid, I´m not available…It looks as though I´m going to be busy all afternoon. Is... (3 p.m.) possible for you? - No, I’m afraid I´m busy then. I´m sorry, I have to cancel the appointment on…(Monday). I´m afraid I can´t manage our meeting…(next week). I´m sorry, but …(John) isn´t available…(at that time). Could we arrange another time? If it´s OK with you, I think I´d prefer to make it three-thirty. …Could we make it a little later? Sorry, we lost connection. I can´t hear you. Can you hang up and I´ll call you again? I´m sorry, could you speak up a bit? Sorry, could you repeat the first part? The line´s breaking up. I´ll call you back. We´ve got two lines at the same time. I think my mobile needs recharging. The battery has run out. TASK Call your friend to get together one day next week and fix a programme for the afternoon. You are on holiday and you would like to hire a car. You´d like a small car for the weekend. Phone Rentacar and see what they can offer you. The total cost /without petrol/ must be under 30 pounds. Tips: your cars cost 18, 27, and 36 pounds per day for the small, medium and large sizes respectively. The prices are inclusive /day insurance and tax/, except for petrol. You also do inclusive weekend arrangements at 29, 39 and 49 pounds. You are staying at a hotel. You ordered, by Telephoning Room Service, continental breakfast with tea and the London Times. You have received continental breakfast with coffee and the New York Times. Ring Room Service, ask for the manager and complain. Tips: Customer:… I must make a complaint about the service at your hotel. ….…you are the Room Service Manager at the hotel. Apologise to the customer for the mistakes and explain that you are short of staff and that the mistakes are because of this. Tell the customer you´ll have things fixed as soon as possible /ASAP/