1. Complete these sentences with who, which or whose. (FCE, p. 5) 1 Whales and dolphins both make sounds _______ in some ways are similar to a language. 2 People ______ work with dolphins are often surprised at how intelligent they are. 3 One scientist ______ has studied dolphins carefully is John Lilly. 4 Lilly was the director of an institute ______ became famous for its research. 5 Another person _______ work has become well known is Roger Fouts. 6 Fouts, ______ has studied the behaviour of other animals, taught a chimpanzee sign language. 7 This is the kind of language _________ is used by deaf and dumb people. 8 'Dumb' is the word used in English for someone ______is unable to speak. 9 The chimpanzee, _______ name was Washoe, learned about 160 signs. In which of the above sentences can you also use that? In which sentence can you only use who? 2. What is the missing word in each sentence? Use who, which or that. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. (FCE, p. 86) 1 The man in the picture is meeting Jane Winters, _____ works for a law firm in London. 2 The office in _______ she works is near St Paul's Cathedral. 3 The man _______ has just arrived is Adam Francis. 4 He is at Heathrow Airport, ________ is one of the biggest airports in the world. 5 Adam Francis, ________ is a property developer, was in New York last night. 6 Last year he was on a plane ________ crashed. 7 It was a crash ________ killed more than a hundred people. 8 Adam was one of the few people ______ survived the crash. In which of the sentences is it not possible to use that? Can you explain why it isn't possible?