Unit 12 Spring Term Revision I. GRAMMAR 1. Conditionals If necessary, correct these sentences: a) “The video pauses if you press this button.” b) “If Claire will continue to work hard, she should pass the exams easily.” c) “I´d be able to visit Jim first thing in the morning if I stay in Manchester overnight.” d) “You´d be surprised if I told you how much this cost.” e) “If Jack had been honest, he would return the money.” 2. Adverbs, adjectives Choose the correct form of an adverb or adjective: a) He arrived late/lately. b) I haven´t seen him late/lately. c) It was raining hard/hardly. d) It hard/hardly matters now. e) I was deep/deeply hurt. f) Malaria can be a dead/deadly disease. g) Feel free/freely to look around. 3. Modals: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence: a) It is vital to wear a helmet when you ride a motorbike. You.............................................................................. b) It is not necessary for us to leave now. We .................................................... leave now. c) It is prohibited to park here. You ……………………………………………. here. d) It was wrong of you to speak to my mother like that. You.............................................................................. e) I am absolutely sure she left the building. She must ……………………………………… the building. 4. Passive voice: Rewrite the following sentences in the passive. a) Students must wear school uniforms at all times. School uniforms………………………………………………………………………….. b) The examiners have announced the results. The results……………………………………………………………………………….. c) They are processing your request. Your request …………………………………………………………………………….. d) We sold the company in 2010. The company ………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Ask about the underlined part of the question: a) They evaluated ten reports. ………………………………………………. ? b) The researchers have looked into the problem of cardiac disease. …………………………………………………? c) Jenny refers to a number of studies in her thesis. ………………………………………………….? d) The injury was caused by a sloppy movement. ………………………………………………….? e) The meeting was held in Oslo. …………………………………………………..? Now rewrite all the questions above starting with “I´d like to know…” II. VOCABULARY 1. Reporting verbs Complete these sentences by choosing the correct verb. a) Could you _________ up? We can’t hear you at the back. b) I’ll have to _________ the place as I don’t have any photos with me. c) He’s going to __________ the latest results to the committee. d) Let me __________ why we need to cut costs. e) We will __________ you when the project comes to an end. 2. Conjunctions Complete the sentences with your own ideas: a) I´m playing tennis tomorrow unless… b) He passed the exam although… c) I´ll draw a map for you in case… d) She accepted the job in spite of… e) Please inform me immediately as soon as … 3. Collocations Choose the correct collocation: a) Researchers raise/rise some important questions. b) We can´t take/draw any conclusion from what she said. c) Some schools put/establish a heavy emphasis on school achievement. d) They have done/made a number of laboratory experiments. e) She has carried out/acknowledged research into renewable energy sources. f) Let us examine this idea in heavier/greater detail. g) You must take/give their age into consideration. h) We can arrange a course to fill/meet your requirements exactly. 4. Phrasal verbs Complete the sentences with one of the verbs below, you may have to change the form of the verb. make get turn stick work catch take call give break a) The game was _____________ off because of bad weather. b) You will lose weight if you ___________ to the diet. c) Our car _____________down at the side of the highway in the snowstorm last week. d) You'll have to run faster than that if you want to _____________ up with Marty. e) I ______________ out at the gym three times a week. f) My maths homework was too difficult so I ____________ up. g) Josie ____________ up a story about why we were late. h) I must say goodbye now, my plane _____________ off in twenty minutes. i) Please ___________ the television off before you go to bed. j) I just _____________over the flu and now my sister has it.