Protocol n. 5: Physiology Name: ………...............................……………………………………….... Date:………………... Age:…………………………. MEASURING OF HEART RATE Rest HR: Zone % HR[max] Duration Intensity e.g. Activity For health 50 - 60% 60 min low Walking 10 km Reduction of weight 60 - 70% 30 - 60 min middle Jogging 6 km Development of aerobic capacity 70 - 80 % 10 - 30 min higher Run 5 km Increases in performance 80 - 90 % 5 - 10 min high Fast run 1,5 km Race 90 - 100% 1 - 5 min maximum Sprint 400 m HRmax = 220 – age = Zone HR[max] Lower limit HR[max] Upper limit For health x 0,50 = x 0,60 = Reduction of weight x 0,60 = x 0.70 = Development of aerobic capacity x 0.70 = x 0.80 = Increases in performance x 0.80 = x 0,90 = Race x 0,90 = x 1 ,00 =