Unit 11 The Essential Business English Task 1 Speaking · What is the most unpleasant job you can imagine? And the most pleasant? · If you could choose any job in the world, what would it be? Why? Task 2 Vocabulary Choose the best alternative: a) A doctor is a member of a respected .........………. . occupation profession trade b) It´s wise to think about choosing a ………………… before leaving school. career living vocation c) She was ………… after three years at the company. advanced promoted raised d) A retired person is paid a ………………….. . rent scholarship pension e) If you are paid monthly, rather than weekly, you receive a ……………. . salary bonus wage f) Many companies offer ……………., such as health insurance, retirement savings account or paid time off. benefits advantages pros g) The perks of the job include travel …………….. . grants funds allowances h) In the US six weeks of unpaid maternity …………….. is the norm. holiday leave trip i) The company had to take out ………………. against fire and theft. security a mortgage insurance Task 3 Speaking Discuss the following statements: · Home office is a great perk. · An open space office boosts the morale of employees. · Czech parents are lucky to be able to enjoy such a long parental leave with their children. Task 4 What is your experience with online business? Have you ever bought anything on eBay or Aukro? Now complete the following profile of Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, with appropriate gerund or infinitive forms. The world´s most successful auctioneer Pierre Omidyar is today at the head of the internet´s biggest success stories: eBay. Born in France, Pierre moved to the USA at the age of six when his father was given the opportunity of (1) ……………….. (work) at John Hopkins university. During his school years in the US Pierre started (2) …………. (write) computer programmes for six dollars an hour. (3) ………….. (know) how important computers would become in the future, he decided (4) ………….. (apply) for a place at Tufts university. After (5) …………….. (graduate) in 1988, Pierre then worked as a software developer before (6) …………… (create) his first start up ´Ink Development Corporation´ in 1991. The company produced software that enabled computers (7) …………. (read) instructions given by pen and not through a keyboard. Five years later he succeeded in (8) ……………… (sell) the company to Microsoft. It was not until 1995 that he came up with the idea of (9) …………… (launch) a website which would serve both as a market for (10) ……………… (exchange) collector´s items and as a forum where collectors could meet (11) ……………. (discuss) their passion. From a hobby it soon became a full-time occupation and after (12) …………….. (rename) it eBay, the world´s most open marketplace was born. Now a billionaire, Omidyar has set himself a new goal: (13) …………….. (get rid) of 99 per cent of his fortune during his lifetime by (14)………………. (finance) non-profit-making operations around the world. Gerunds and infinitives The uses of ……………………. - after prepositions Example: ……………………………………….. - as a noun Example: ………………………………………... - after certain verbs Examples: ………………………………………… The uses of …………………….. - after adjectives Example: ……………………………………….. - after certain verbs Examples: ……………………………………… - to show purpose Example: ……………………………………….. Task 5 Gerund / Infinitive forms a) Complete the sentences with gerund or infinitive forms: 1. I´m calling ……………… (arrange) an appointment. 2. There is no point in ………………. (complain) – he won´t change his mind. 3. Have you considered ………………….. (look) for another job? 4. You can´t avoid …………………. (pay) taxes. 5. I´m busy today but I can stop at around 1p.m. ……………… (have) lunch with you. 6. You need to speak to Mrs. Jones, she´s responsible for ……………. (deal) with new clients. 7. I look forward to ……………….. (hear) from you. 8. I hope ………………. (complete) the report by Thursday. 9. I don´t mind ………………… (take) the train to work. 10. I can´t afford ………………. (get) a new car this year. 11. Unfortunately, we failed ………………. (win) the contract. 12. The consultant recommended us …………….. (apply for) a bridging loan. b) Complete the sentences with information about you and your work: I like … I don´t like…. I don´t mind… I am looking forward to … I deserve ….. I am planning…. Task 6 Speaking Think of a non-profit-making project that you would support if you were Pierre Omidyar. Explain your ideas to your partner. Would he or she agree to donate money to your project? Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Greenpeace Unicef Transparency International Amnesty International Phrases for making offers I think / I suggest / We should … Let´s … Would you be interested in…? Why don´t we …? Task 7 Things you might do at work. Choose some of the items and construct sentences. Example: If I had to keep a record of everything I do, I would be very frustrated. § be responsible for projects § do experiments § answer the phone § give presentations § write scientific papers § make photocopies § arrange meetings for your boss § take the minutes at the meetings § organize conferences § keep a record of everything you do (Adapted from: MCCARTHY, Michael, O\'DELL, Felicity. English Collocations in Use. 2005. 190 s. CUP. ISBN 0-521-60378-1. ARMER, Tamzen. Cambridge English for Scientists.2011. CUP) Task 8 CV a) The essentials Have you ever written a CV, cover letter or application form in English? Complete the blanks, the first letter is given: 1. There is no single correct f__________ of a CV. 2. Emphasise the skills, accomplishments and experience most r___________ for the reader and position. 3. Your strongest qualities should s__________ out when skimmed. 4. Arrange the information into categories in order of i_______________ . 5. The information within the categories should be in r__________ chronological order. 6. A_________ pronouns and jargon. 7. Do not include personal information, such as marital status, g_______ or date of birth. 8. Use bullet points rather than full s__________ . b) Sections of CV - Would you use all the heading (a-l) in your CV? Why/why not? - What kind of information would you include under each heading? Make suggestions for each heading. - How would you organise the sections in your CV? Put the list if headings in the best order. a) Computer skills b) Dissertations c) Education d) Grants and awards e) Personal information f) Publications g) Research experience h) Study abroad i) Technical skills j) Travel c) Read the advertisement below. Would you be a suitable candidate for the position? What information would you highlight in your CV to get across that you are a suitable candidate? Personal trainers wanted! Health Body Fitness is looking for motivated personal trainers who enjoy working within a studio environment, helping everyday people achieve their health and fitness goals. The successful applicant must have a friendly, outgoing nature and be proactive in achieving the challenges set for them. They will be passionate and enthusiastic about health and fitness and will be prepared to build and maintain current client base. Health Body Spirit is Australia’s fastest growing personal training studio franchise and will be nation wide in the next couple of years. Education and qualifications * Minimum Certificate III and IV in Fitness * Senior First Aid Certificate * Fitness Australia registration * Valid insurance Skills and experience * Minimum 6 months personal training * Excellent people management and communication skills * Basic Microsoft Office knowledge Please submit all applications to: Linda Petrowski General Manager Health Body Spirit lp@email.com.au (08) 71 999 999 (http://www.careerfaqs.com.au/careers/sample-resumes-and-cover-letters/personal-trainer-job-adverti sement) Task 9 Letter of motivation A) Order these questions so that the answer would form an efficient letter of motivation: How do my skills and abilities relate to the position/programme offered? Have I thanked the reader for considering my application? What attracts me to the position? Why should I be chosen? What position/programme am I applying for? When am I available for an interview? What are my strengths? Where did I find out about it? B) Decide which phrases are appropriate to answer the questions above. - I gained some experience while … - I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details of the position with you personally. - I believe that combination of my skills, experience, and knowledge suits your expectation regarding profile of intern for advertised position. - Your position for … strongly appeals to me because … - I am writing with reference/in response to your advertisement, which I saw … - I am writing to apply for the position of …… as advertised in … - I look forward to hearing from you. - I am particularly interested in this job, as… - I see new tasks / this position as a welcome challenge, which I look forward to. - My time at … has equipped me with strong … skills - You can contact me as per your convenience - I have a lively interest in … and would appreciate the opportunity / chance to broaden my knowledge by working with you. - Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to personally discuss why I am particularly suited to this position. Please contact me via… - I graduated from Barcelona University last year with a degree in … - Furthermore, it would allow me the opportunity to apply this knowledge in both practical and challenging contexts - I would be well suited to the position because… - I am highly motivated and look forward to the varied work which a position in your company would offer me.