Task 6 Sports Nutrition I Task 1 a) Read the text about the food pyramid for endurance athletes, then summarise the differences between the standard diet and the diet of an endurance athlete. Use some of the phrases listed below. Comparison · Also · Similar to · Compared to/ with Contrast · In contrast to · While/ whereas · On the other hand b) Choose the best modal word for each gap. Food pyramids are used to represent the portions of each food group you need to be healthy. Because athletes have different nutritional needs than non-athletes, food pyramid guides have been modified to show athletes what they should consume. In order to perform well, endurance athletes need to fulfil their energy, carbohydrate, protein and fat requirements. Fruits and Vegetables Endurance athletes don´t have to/ mustn´t/ had to eat more fruits and vegetable than non-athletes. Food guides recommend that everyone eats at least three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit a day. According to the Swiss Society for Nutrition, it is okay to eat more than this recommended number of servings, but it should/ has to/ may cause some athletes to experience gastro-intestinal problems. Grains Grains are an important part of an athlete's diet because they are the primary source of carbohydrates used for energy. Because whole grains are more nutritious than refined grains, they would/ should/ mustn´t be eaten more often. The recommended amount of carbohydrates for endurance athletes is about 6 to12 g per kg of body weight. This is based on the assumption that endurance athletes exercise at an intensity that is at least 70 percent of their aerobic capacity for more than 1 hour a day. Athletes don´t have to/ can/ would also eat refined sources of carbohydrates such as sports drinks and energy bars, to fill more immediate energy demands. Dairy, Meat and Eggs Dairy, meat and eggs are sources of protein, calcium and fat. Although athletes have higher protein requirements than non-athletes, they should/ don´t have to/ mustn´t increase their intake of these food groups. According to a Swiss study published in the 2008 athletes may/ can/ shouldn´t fulfil their protein requirements by eating the recommended servings of meat, dairy and eggs, along with grains that contain protein. Many sports drinks and bars also contain protein to fill the demand. Oils Oils are a liquid form of fat that comes from plants. They are important dietary sources of essential fatty acids that you need for proper cell function and health. Athletes need more healthy fats than non-athletes because they have higher energy requirements. They shouldn´t/ should/ would eat an additional half serving of oil for each hour of exercise by adding cooking oil to their food and eating nut products. (http://www.livestrong.com/article/392079-food-guide-pyramid-for-endurance-athletes/) Task 2 Modals Study the sentences below. Do you understand the meaning of the modals used? Which of the sentences (1-9) do we use to express: a) Necessity or obligation – present b) Necessity or obligation – past c) No necessity d) Ability or permission e) Prohibition f) Recommendation g) Certainty in past h) Past regret 1. She can drink this sports-drink. 2. She should drink this sports-drink. 3. She shouldn´t have drunk the sports-drink. 4. She must drink this sports-drink. 5. She mustn´t drink this sports-drink. 6. She doesn´t have to drink this sports-drink. 7. She had to drink this sports-drink. 8. She must have drunk this sports-drink. Task 3 Case study Before you read Match the expressions below with their synonyms: 1. trying hard to do sth. difficult 2. increases, adds to something 3. as a result 4. tiredness a) consequently b) struggling c) fatigue d) contributes Planning a Training diet Michael is training for a 10km run coming up in 3 weeks. He has read a lot about sports nutrition and especially about the importance of eating a high-carbohydrate diet while in training. He has also been struggling to keep his weight in a range that he feels contributes to better speed and endurance. Consequently he is also trying to eat as little fat as possible. Unfortunately, over the past week his workouts in the afternoon have not met his expectations. His run times are slower, and he shows signs of fatigue after just 20 minutes into his training programme. His breakfast yesterday was a large bagel, a small amount of cream cheese, and orange juice. For lunch, he had a small salad with fat-free dressing, a large plate of pasta with broccoli, and a diet soft drink. For dinner, he had a small broiled chicken breast, a cup of rice, some carrots, and iced tea. Later, he snacked on fat-free pretzels. After you read Answer the following questions: 1. Is the high-carbohydrate diet a good idea during Michael´s training? 2. Are there any important components missing in Michael´s diet? Are missing components contributing to his fatigue? 3. Describe some changes that should be made in Michael´s diet including some specific foods that should be included. 4. How should fluid needs be met during workouts? 5. Should Michael focus on fuelling his body before, during or after workouts?