Unit 7 Sports Nutrition II Task 1 Nutrition and Fitness: Summary Complete the text with appropriate verbs from the list. There is one verb you do not need to use. Change the form of the verb if necessary. meet break down increase replace consume include restore recommend transform fuel form 1. A gradual increase in regular physical activity is ___________ for all healthy persons. A minimum plan _______ 30 minutes of physical activity on most (or all) days; 60 minutes a day provides even more benefit, especially if weight control is an issue. An intense program lasting about 60 to 90 minutes should begin with warm-up exercises to _______ blood flow and warm the muscles and end with cooldown exercises. Regular resistance activities and stretching add further benefits. 2. Human metabolic pathways extract chemical energy from food and _______ it into ATP, the compound that provides energy for body functions. 3. In carbohydrate fuel use, glucose is __________ into the three-carbon compound pyruvic acid, yielding some ATP. This is metabolised further via the aerobic pathway to _________ carbon dioxide (CO2) and water or via the anaerobic pathway to form lactic acid. 4. Anyone who exercises regularly should consume a diet that ________ calorie needs and is moderate to high in carbohydrates and fluid and adequate in other nutrients such as iron and calcium. 5. Athletes should consume enough fluid to both minimise loss of body weight and ultimately __________ pre-exercise weight. Sports-drinks help ________ fluid, electrolytes, and carbohydrates lost during workouts. Their use is essentially appropriate when continuous activity lasts beyond 60minutes. 6. Plenty of carbohydrates should be in pre-event meal, especially for endurance athletes. High-glycemic-load carbohydrates should be _________ by an athlete within 2 hours after a workout to begin restoration of muscle glycogen stores. Some protein in the meal is also helpful. Task 2 Passive Voice Find examples of passive voice in the summary above. Then rewrite the sentences below into passive voice. 1. The athlete consults a nutritionist. The nutritionist ………… 2. The athlete consulted a nutritionist. The nutritionist ………….. 3. The athlete has consulted a nutritionist. The nutritionist ………. 4. The athlete should consult a nutritionist. The nutritionist ……… 5. The athlete had to consult a nutritionist. The nutritionist …………. 6. They are designing a new programme. A new programme ……………… (For more practice go to: http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/passive-exercises.html) Task 3 Speaking Consider caffeine as a dietary supplement for athletes. What do you know about it? What would you like to learn about it? Ask questions about the issues that you are not completely familiar with. …………………………………………………………………………………………….? …………………………………………………………………………………………….? …………………………………………………………………………………………….? …………………………………………………………………………………………….? …………………………………………………………………………………………….? …………………………………………………………………………………………….? (http://www.rice.edu/~jenky/sports/caffeine.html) Task 4 Listening – Coffee Addiction Listen to a BBC podcast and write down useful vocabulary. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/sixminute/2014/05/140522_6min_coffee_add iction.shtml) Task 5 Word formation Use the word in brackets to from a word that fits the gap. 1. There was a general …………….. that she would win. (EXPECT) 2. Athletes have higher energy ………………………. . (REQUIRE) 3. What is the ……………….. value of milk? (NUTRITION) 4. The swimmer needs to improve her ……………… habits. (DIET) 5. I eat …………….. . (HEALTH) 6. During the match Dave was knocked ………………… . (CONSCIOUS) 7. Many athletes ……………… believe that they must eat extra protein to build bigger muscles. (MISTAKE) 8. Starch that you eat is broken down into simple sugars in your ………...... tract. (DIGEST) 9. Iron …………….. can occur in vegetarians. (DEFICIENT) 10. Protein-rich foods that contain all the ……………. amino acids in quantities needed by the body are called “complete” proteins. (ESSENCE)