Ice hockey signals description Supply terms for the infractions described below: 1. Striking the closed fist of the hand once into the open palm of the other hand. 2. The palm of the non-whistle hand is brought across the body and placed on the opposite shoulder. 3. Moving the forearm, fist closed, under the forearm of the other hand held palm down. 4. Rotating clenched fists around one another in front of the chest. 5. Arm placed behind the back, elbow bent, forearm parallel to the ice surface 6. A forward motion with both fists clenched, extending from the chest. 7. The non-whistle hand is extended straight above the head. 8. The non-whistle hand, palm open, is placed across the chest and then fully extended directly in front of the body. 9. Tapping the elbow with the opposite hand. 10. One punching motion to the side with the arm extending from the shoulder. 11. A single point, with the non-whistle hand, directly at the goal in which the puck legally entered, while simultaneously blowing the whistle. 12. The non-whistle hand (open hand) and arm are placed straight down alongside the body and swung forward and up once in an underhand motion. 13. Non-whistle hand placed palm inward on the back of the helmet. 14. Holding both fists clenched, one immediately above the other, at the side of the head. 15. Closed fist held in front of the face, palm in and pulled down in one straight motion. 16. Clasping the wrist of the whistle hand well in front of the chest. 17. A tugging motion with both arms, as if pulling something toward the stomach. 18. Crossed arms stationary in front of the chest with fists closed. 19. A single tap of the right knee with the right hand, keeping both skates on the ice. 20. Tap open palm of the hand on top of the head. 21. Placing of both the hands on hips one time. 22. Arms crossed (fists clenched) above the head. 23. One chop of the hand across the straightened forearm of the other hand. 24. A single jabbing motion with both hands together, thrust forward from in front of the chest, then dropping hands to the side. 25. Using both hands to form a “T.” 26. Strike the side of the knee and follow through once, keeping the head up and both skates on the ice. 27. Both arms swung laterally across the body at shoulder level with palms down. 1. When used by the Referee, it means no goal or violation so play shall continue. 2. When used by the Linesmen, it means there is no icing, off-side, hand pass or high sticking violation.