Skiing and snowboarding listening Skis or a snowboard are attached to the skier or snowboarder with ____________. Both snowboarding and skiing are a popular _____________. The root s of skiing are placed to the ____________ province of Telemark. Skis were used for transportation especially by the ____________. The Olympic Congress met in Prague in ________________. These days the Winter Olympics include several kinds of slalom and _________ _________ All the skis, have a __________ _________ and a _____________ _______________. More conservative snowboarders are __________ to use a prepared slope whereas those who are prepared to take risks prefer the ________________ or a snowpark. Snowboard was invented by a _____________. Secure bindings allowed the snowboarder to ____________ the board on hard snow, in difficult _______________ and at high speeds. At the beginning ski resorts did not want to allow snowboarders onto the ____________ or the ______________. The first snowboarding competition was held in ________________. The first two Olympic disciplines in snowboarding were the ____________ __________ and the ____________. Later, the ____________ _________ was added to include three disciplines for snowboarders. The discipline including acrobatic jumps is called _________ ___________.