Fill the gaps with suitable words: COMBAT SPORTS Generally sports in ____________ athletes fight __________ combat each other, usually one-on-one. A competitive contact sport where two combatants fight ___________ each other using certain rules of engagement. Boxing, amateur wrestling, mixed martial ___________ and fencing are examples of combat sports. The techniques used can ___________ categorized into _____________ domains: striking, grappling, and weapon usage. Some rule-sets specialize _________ one area, while others allow overlap. History Sports related to combat skills have been ____________ part of human culture for thousands of years. The Ancient Olympic Games were largely composed of sports ___________ tested skills related to combat, such __________ Boxing, Wrestling, Pankration (blend of boxing and wrestling) Chariot racing amongst others. This tradition of Combat sports was taken even further ____________ the Romans with gladiators _____________ would fight with weapons, often ___________ the death. Through the Middle ages and Renaissance the Tournament became popular, with the Joust (a sport and an entertainment for __________ rich and noble. It consists __________ martial competition between two mounted knights using a variety of weapons. While the tournament ___________ popular amongst Aristocrats, combative sports where practiced ___________ all levels of society. Folk wrestling exists in many forms and in most cultures.