Theories of strategic management “If talking about strategy, think less and work harder.” - Where were strategies found? - What do you think strategy is? - How can you find the right strategy? Think about your club and tell us the main strategy – how does the club work? What is the main purpose of your club? What are they doing well and what is worthy to reorganise? Think about your last day and write down moments when you were passionate, concentrated and when you liked to do something. AEIOU A=activity I had been doing E=environment we had been doing in I=interaction – who had been with us while the activities O=objects you had been using U=users – people you were doing something for - Try to use this method for 3 weeks - Write your vision for further 5 years - Aim for your work vision /experience / school - Write your Good Time Journal Monday Monday Monday Sunday Sunday Sunday 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 - Now imagine your dream job / school/… is no longer possible (e.g. you are a writer and people stop reading…your job is fully automated substituted by robots) – WHAT WOULD YOU DO AS YOUR NEW JOB? - Where else I would like to use my know-how / skills? - Now imagine your dream life, what would you do? Where would you like to be if you could do anything, anywhere and have anything you wish? - What would you need to learn? - Which thing in your life you would have to change? - What would be the result of all these changes? - There is not just one ideal career way and it is nonsense to think that we could be happy only with one specific thing/work/…area or specific work. If you want to find 3 new ways of satisfied and quality life you could live, imagine you are going to the cinema where there are 3 movies. 1^st one is called Optimized life, where you can see your idealized future of current vision. 2^nd movie is called Alternative life. Your dream job / school/… is no longer possible (e.g. you are a writer and people stop reading…your job is fully automated substituted by robots). Where else I would like to use my know-how / skills? 3^rd Movie is called Dream life. You can see yourself in a dream job where neither money or image is playing any role. - Always think about the real vision in 5 five years (plans you did before). Think about the real consequences that can affect your vision. How you can reach it? o Prototype conversations! § LinkedIn § Meet up § Interview § Simply find what is waiting for you (make some picture of the area)