Transform the sentences so they have the same meaning as before: It is not possible for me to go out tonight. I ___________go out tonight. It is absolutely impossible to train without a proper warm up. You ______________ without a proper warm up. It is absolutely necessary to drink enough water when training. You ____________ drink enough water when training. . Teachers recommend us to study properly. We _____________ study properly. It is possible that they are not at home. She ___________ at home. It is possible that he knows about it. He _________ about it. I am sure that they will not win the game. They ________ win the game. It is certain that all the players are ready. All the players______________ ready. Transform the sentences to the passive voice: They built the building in 2010. The building________________ in 2010. They spend a lot of money on armaments. A lot of money_____________ on armaments. We gave the police the information. The police ____________ the information. They must prepare the materials till Monday. The materials _____________ till Monday. We will have to finish the task next week. The task _____________ next week. Change the verbs in brackets to suitable forms: inf./-ing: She enjoys _____________ (LIE) in the sun. I promised ______(HELP) him. I remember ________ (LOCK) the door last night. I couldn´t help ___________ (LAUGH). Can you help me _____________(MOVE) the table? He denied ____________(STEAL) the money. Would you like __________(WATCH) TV? Use the verbs in brackets in a correct form: If the bell ___________ (RING), it is the end of the game. If our team _________ (LOSE) the match, we will be the worst in the group. If I _________ (BE) free, I would help you. He _____________ (BE) an excellent referee if he had more experience. If we had more money, we ____________(CAN) buy a new car. Complete the sentences with definite, indefinite or no article. For no article use “–”: I like watching _______TV and listening to _________ radio. Tom plays ______ football and I play ___________ice-hockey. The referee has got __________ assistants. ______Prague is ____________capital of ________ Czech Republic. Choose the best word to fill in each gap, use it in the correct form, positive or negative, making all the necessary grammatical changes. Use each word only once. There are 5 extra words which you do not need to use: take, BLOW, CATCH, lose, DO, JOG, win, MAKE, SIGNAL, pass Last year we ____________a research of the relations between physical activity, and the school and physical environment of students aged 15-16. The referee ______________ the whistle when he sees a foul. We _____________ our final exam today. I am sure he _____________ the exam tomorrow because he did not study enough. It is a pity we ____________ the match yesterday. When we came to the stadium, our team _________________,so we were very happy. Task (1 point per item; total: 5 points) For each sentence choose the right answer (A, B, or C): I have been reading the book since morning. I ________ 50 pages so far. A: read B: have read C: have been reading I cannot go out with you, I have very________ time. A: a little B: little C: few He is just like his father, he really takes ________ him. A: off B: about C: after I haven´t seen him_____________ A: already B: yet C: still You can choose from ___________ of these T-shirts, they are all for you. A: some B: any C: none This is the referee ________ made a big mistake. A: whose B: who C: whom