Coach Name Athlete Name Date Resting Heart Rate Heart Rate Maximum 205.8 -(o.easxAGE) Target HR Beats per Min HI = 8D-100%HRm« * ?BPM MOD= 60-80%HRr,w-?BPM Average HR Beat» per Minute Duration to return to Resting HR (N/A without monitor) Station Name Sets Scored HRBPM RPT RPE RPD Tactical Lunge Plank Pull Knee Sit Thru Knee Tactical Pushup Spinal Rock Basic Tripod Vertical j Program Name TOTAL SCORE AVE RPT AVE RPE AVE RPD AVE HRBPM Bodywelght Variation Regression Progression Warmup Cooldown Tactical Lunge Lunge Squat Rear Lunge Step Knee Circles Pigeon Plank Pull Knee Knee Ellipse Plank Pull (no knee) Backstroke Downdog Sit Thru Knee Sit Thru Hip Sit Thru (extended) Hip (Hurdle) Rotation Forearm Frog Tactical Pushup Basic Pushup Knee Screwing Pushup Hitchhiker/Armbar Drill Bit Hold Spinal Rock Basic Knee Lift Crunch Spinal Rock Pike Gunslinger Shoulder Bridge Tripod Vertical Table Lift Tripod Overhead Spinal Rotation Standing Sldebend page67