Adobe Systems E022 1 Basis for training Strength Training and Conditioning Adobe Systems 2 Scope of training ̶Biomotor ability ̶(bioenergetics) Adobe Systems 3 Objectives of Training ̶Multilateral physical development ̶Sport-specific physical development ̶Blending of key aspects (power, muscle endurance, …) ̶Technical skills ̶Tactical abilities ̶Psychological factors ̶Health maintenance ̶Injury resistance ̶Theoretical knowlage ̶ Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 4 Auxiliary sciences Adobe Systems •Cyclic •Acyclic •Acyclid combined 5 Classification of Skill ̶Rowing ̶Fencing ̶High jump Adobe Systems Bondarchuck: 1.Uncovering the system’s forming factors 2.Determining the system’s structure 3.Validating the efficacy of the system System of Training Adobe Systems 7 Factors that affect training quality Adobe Systems A.Fatigue, overreaching, overtraining B.Increasing stimulus (load) ➞ Adaptation ➞ Performance improvement C.Lack of stimulus ➞ Plateau ➞ Lack of improvement 8 Adaptation Adobe Systems 9 Standard load results in improvements only during the early phase of the plan Specificity of Adaptation •Neuromuscular - motor unit firing rate (rate coding), muscle hypertrophy •Metabolic – ATP+PCr, lactid acid, glycolitic systém, oxidative systém •Cardirespiratory – stroke volume, VO2max •Preadaptation •Compensation •Stable or precompetitive adapt. •State of readiness for competition Adobe Systems •Immediate TE •Delayed TE •Cummulative Training effect Adobe Systems 12 Supercompensation Cycle and Adaptation ̶Supercompensation ̶General adaptation syndrome ̶Progressive overloading ̶Microcycles, sequenced training, periodization ̶ Adobe Systems Four phases: •#1: 1 to 2 hours •#2: 24 to 48 hours •#3: 36 to 72 hours •#4: 3 to 7 days 13 Phases of Sepercompesantion Sources of Energy •Anaerobic phosphagen systém (ATP-CPr) •Anaerobic glycolitic systém (La) •Aerobic oxidative systém (O2) Adobe Systems 16 Ralation between time and (an)aerobic energy supply Adobe Systems 17 Energy sources for competitive sport