C H A P T E R 7 CARDIOVASCULAR CONTROL DURING EXERCISE 85005.jpg 00000168E2862 Wilmore PP BB8DFF79: chapter 7.tif 0000014DE2862 Wilmore PP BB8DFF79: Major Cardiovascular Functions w Delivery (e.g., oxygen and nutrients) w Removal (e.g., carbon dioxide and waste products) w Transportation (e.g., hormones) w Maintenance (e.g., body temperature, pH) w Prevention (e.g., infection—immune function) D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 07\Cardiovascular.tiff Cardiovascular System w A pump (the heart) w A system of channels (the blood vessels) w A fluid medium (blood) HEART 83119/e2862 000002BBE2862 Wilmore PP B5AE00F7: Myocardium—Cardiac Muscle w Thickness varies directly with stress placed on chamber walls. w Left ventricle is the most powerful of chambers and thus, the largest. w With vigorous exercise, the left ventricle size increases. CORONARY CIRCULATION 83120new/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: 83124/e2862 000002BBE2862 Wilmore PP B5AE00F7: INTRINSIC CONDUCTION SYSTEM Cardiac Conduction System w Sinoatrial (SA) node—pacemaker (60–80 beats/min intrinsic heart rate) – primary action potentials generator w Atrioventricular (AV) node—built-in delay of 0.13 s w AV bundle (bundle of His) D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 20\Body_heart.tiff wPurkinje fibers—6 times faster transmission Extrinsic Control of the Heart w Parasympathetic nervous system acts through the vagus nerve to decrease heart rate and force of contraction (predominates at rest—vagal tone). w Sympathetic nervous system is stimulated by stress to increase heart rate and force of contraction. w Epinephrine and norepinephrine—released due to sympathetic stimulation—increase heart rate. D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 07\Heartexternal.tiff Resting heart rates in adults tend to be between 60 and 85 beats/min. However, extended endurance training can lower resting heart rate to 35 beats/min or less. This lower heart rate is thought to be due to decreased intrinsic heart rate and increased parasympathetic stimulation. Did You Know…? D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 07\Heartwaves.tiff Main Cardiac Arrhythmias Bradycardia—resting heart rate below 60 beats/min Tachycardia—resting heart rate above 100 beats/min D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 07\Defibrillator.tiff Electrocardiogram (ECG) w Printout shows the heart's electrical activity and can be used to monitor cardiac changes w The P wave—atrial depolarization w The QRS complex—ventricular depolarization and atrial repolarization w The T wave—ventricular repolarization TAKING AN EXERCISE ECG 83126.jpg 00000168E2862 Wilmore PP BB8DFF79: PHASES OF A RESTING ECG 83128/e2862 000002BBE2862 Wilmore PP B5AE00F7: Cardiac Cycle w Events that occur between two consecutive heartbeats (systole to systole) w Diastole—relaxation phase during which the chambers fill with blood (T wave to QRS)—62% of cycle duration wSystole—contraction phase during which the chambers expel blood (QRS to T wave)—38% of cycle duration D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 07\fig7.4.tiff u4 phases uI) Isovolumic contraction uII) Ejection (systole) uIII) Isovolumic relaxation uIV) Inflow (diastole) uCardiac valves determine the bloodflow direction (dependency on blood pressures) uFrom atria to ventricles −> to aorta / pulmonary artery (II. phase) uDuring the phase I and III the valves are closed Cardiac Cycle Phases WIGGERS DIAGRAM 83131/e2862 000002BBE2862 Wilmore PP B5AE00F7: Pulse § §During systolic ejection the flexible wall of aorta expands. § §During diastole the wall of aorta contracts and empowers the bloodstream. § §The expansion and contraction of the arterial walls transmit throughout the body (from centre to peripheries). § §This wave-like transmission is called a pulse. It could be palpated close to body surface. https://images.app.goo.gl/VYzmuEJJ6AKfYtHh8 Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output Stroke Volume (SV) w End-diastolic volume (EDV)—volume of blood in ventricle before contraction w End-systolic volume (ESV)—volume of blood in ventricle after contraction w SV = EDV – ESV w Volume of blood pumped per contraction w Total volume of blood pumped by the ventricle per minute Cardiac Output (Q) . w Q = HR ´ SV . Ejection Fraction (EF) w Proportion of blood pumped out of the left ventricle each beat w EF = SV/EDV w Averages 60% at rest D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 20\Body_heart.tiff Vascular System w Arteries w Arterioles w Capillaries w Venules w Veins D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 04\Bodyw_pressurepoints.tiff Arteries always carry blood away from the heart; veins always carry blood back to the heart with the help of breathing, the muscle pump, and valves. Pulmonary “veins” carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart and pulmonary “arteries” carry blood with lower oxygen levels to the lungs for oxygenation. Did You Know…? D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 07\Heart.tiff MUSCLE PUMP 83134/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: Blood Distribution w Matched to overall metabolic demands w Autoregulation—arterioles within organs or tissues dilate or constrict in response to the local chemical environment w Extrinsic neural control—sympathetic nerves within walls of vessels are stimulated causing vessels to constrict w Determined by the balance between mean arterial pressure and total peripheral resistance 83135/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: BLOOD DISTRIBUTION AT REST Blood Pressure w Systolic blood pressure (SBP) is the highest pressure and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is the lowest pressure D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 20\BPcuff.tiff w Blood vessel constriction increases blood pressure; dilation reduces blood pressure Cardiovascular Response to Acute Exercise w Blood flow and blood pressure change. wHeart rate (HR) increases as exercise intensity increases up to maximal heart rate. D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 09\Boxer.tiff wStroke volume (SV) increases up to 40% to 60% VO2max in untrained individuals and up to maximal levels in trained individuals. wIncreases in HR and SV during exercise cause cardiac output (Q) to increase. Maximum Heart Rate w The highest heart rate value one can achieve in an all-out effort to the point of exhaustion w Remains constant day to day and changes slightly from year to year wCan be estimated: HRmax = 220 – age in years or HRmax = 208 – (0.7 ´ age) D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 04\Crosscountryskier.tiff HEART RATE AND INTENSITY 83138/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: Heart rate detection §Auscultation at the heart apex §ECG record (R–R distance) §Pulse palpation §Photometric, piezoelectric or electric devices Heart rate (HR) changes §Average rest HR is 72 bpm §The HR is higher in children §The HR is higher during exercise, stress or fever §During exercise, the HR increases as much as twice §After exercise, the HR drops back to rest state within 3 minutes §In trained individuals the rest HR reoccurs faster §Initial increase of HR (mental preparation) §Work state HR (followed by steady-state HR – corresponds to the load intensity) §Subsequent HR (after the load, decrease to rest HR) – EPOC § § HR during exercise