C H A P T E R 8 RESPIRATORY REGULATION DURING EXERCISE 85006.jpg 000A2885 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: chapter 8.tif 000A2D28 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: Respiration Respiration—delivery of oxygen to and removal of carbon dioxide from the tissue External respiration—ventilation and exchange of gases in the lung D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 08\Inspirationlungs.tiff Internal respiration—exchange of gases at the tissue level (between blood and tissues) External Respiration Pulmonary ventilation—movement of air into and out of the lungs—inspiration and expiration Pulmonary diffusion—exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and blood D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 08\Lungs_chest.tiff RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 83175/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: INSPIRATION AND EXPIRATION Rest Inspiration Expiration http://fblt.cz/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/objemy-a-kapacity-plic-ENG-01.jpg Lung Volumes Pulmonary Diffusion w Replenishes blood's oxygen supply that has been depleted for oxidative energy production w Removes carbon dioxide from returning venous blood w Occurs across the thin respiratory membrane D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 08\Inspirationlungs.tiff RESPIRATORY MEMBRANE 83179/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: Laws of Gases Dalton's Law: The total pressure of a mixture of gases equals the sum of the partial pressures of the individual gases in the mixture. Henry's Law: Gases dissolve in liquids in proportion to their partial pressures, depending on their solubilities in the specific fluids and depending on the temperature. D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 05\Sciencelab2.tiff Partial Pressures of Air w Standard atmospheric pressure (at sea level) = 760 mmHg (= Torr) w Nitrogen (N2) is 79.04% of air; the partial pressure of nitrogen (PN2) = 600.7 mmHg w Oxygen (O2) is 20.93% of air; PO2 = 159.1 mmHg w Carbon dioxide (CO2) is 0.03%; PCO2 = 0.2 mmHg D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 13\Oxygentank.tiff Differences in the partial pressures of gases in the aveoli and in the blood create a pressure gradient across the respiratory membrane. This difference in pressures leads to diffusion of gases across the respiratory membrane. The greater the pressure gradient, the more rapidly oxygen diffuses across it. Did You Know…? Partial Pressures of Respiratory Gases at Sea Level Total 100.00 760.0 760 760 706 0 H2O 0.00 0.0 47 47 47 0 O2 20.93 159.1 105 100 40 60 CO2 0.03 0.2 40 40 46 6 N2 79.04 600.7 568 573 573 0 Partial pressure (mmHg) % in Dry Alveolar Arterial Venous Diffusion Gas dry air air air blood blood gradient 83180/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: PO2 AND PCO2 IN BLOOD UPTAKE OF OXYGEN INTO PULMONARY CAPILLARY 83181/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: Oxygen Transport w Hemoglobin concentration largely determines the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood (>98% of oxygen transported). w Increased H+ (acidity) and temperature of a muscle allows more oxygen to be unloaded there. w Training affects oxygen transport in muscle. D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 07\Fencing.tiff OXYGEN-HEMOGLOBIN DISSOCIATION CURVE 83182/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: 83184/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: Carbon Dioxide Transport w Dissolved in blood plasma (7% to 10%) w As bicarbonate ions resulting from the dissociation of carbonic acid (60% to 70%) w Bound to hemoglobin (carbaminohemoglobin) (20% to 33%) D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 12\Hurdler.tiff wHemoglobin (Hb)—1 molecule of Hb carries 4 molecules of O2, and 100 ml of blood contains ~14–18 g of Hb in men and ~12–14 in women. w(1 g of Hb combines with 1.34 ml of oxygen.) w There are ~20.1 ml of O2 per 100 ml of arterial blood in men and ~17.4 ml of O2 per 100 ml of arterial blood in women. w Low iron leads to iron-deficiency anemia, reducing the body’s capacity to transport oxygen—this is more of a problem in women than men. The a-vO2 diff—Arterial O2 Content – wIndication of how much oxygen is removed from the blood in capillaries. Did You Know…? D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 08\Sprinter.tiff The increase in a-vO2 diff (difference between arterious and venous vO2) during strenuous exercise reflects increased oxygen use by muscle cells. This use increases oxygen removal from arterial blood, resulting in a decreased venous oxygen concentration. – Regulators of Pulmonary Ventilation at Rest w Higher brain centers w Chemical changes within the body w Chemoreceptors w Muscle mechanoreceptors w Hypothalamic input w Conscious control D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 08\Bronchialtubes&lungs.tiff w Generally – increased PCO2 and/or decreased pH simulates ventilation 83188/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: RESPIRATORY REGULATION VENTILATORY RESPONSE TO EXERCISE 83189/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: Breathing Terminology Dyspnea—shortness of breath. Hyperventilation—increase in ventilation that exceeds the metabolic need for oxygen. (Voluntary hyperventilation, as is often done before underwater swimming, removes CO2 and thus increases blood pH.) Valsalva maneuver—a breathing technique to trap and pressurize air in the lungs to allow the exertion of greater force; if held for an extended period, it can reduce HR (by vagal tone). This technique is often used during heavy lifts. Pulmonary Ventilation D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 07\Calculator.tiff Ventilation (VE) is the product of tidal volume (TV) and breathing frequency (f): VE = TV ´ f . . Ventilatory Equivalent for Oxygen w Indicates breathing economy D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 08\Expirationlungs.tiff w The ratio between VE (air) and VO2 (oxygen) in a given time frame . . w At rest—VE/VO2 = 23 to 28 L of air breathed per L VO2 per minute . . . w At max exercise—VE/VO2 = 30 L of air per L VO2 per minute . . . w Generally VE/VO2 remains relatively constant over a wide range of exercise levels . . Ventilatory Breakpoint w The point during intense exercise at which ventilation increases disproportionately to the oxygen consumption. w Anaerobic glycolysis increases lactate level, which decreases pH and and simulates ventilation. w When work rate exceeds 55% to 70% VO2max, oxygen delivery can no longer match the energy requirements so energy must be derived from anaerobic glycolysis. . D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 06\Backstroke.tiff 83190new/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: VE AND VO2 DURING EXERCISE . . Anaerobic Threshold w Point during intense exercise at which metabolism becomes increasingly more anaerobic w Reflects the lactate threshold under most conditions, though the relationship is not always exact w Identified by noting an increase in VE/VO2 without a concomitant increase in the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide (VE/VCO2) . . . . D:\Alternate Chapter Clipart\Chapter 09\Wheelchairathlete.tiff 83195/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: VE/VCO2 AND VE/VO2 . . . . ARTERIAL BLOOD AND MUSCLE pH 83196/e2862 000A4003 PROJECTS 1 B727F70A: