KEY Fill the gap in each sentence with as long as, in case of, in case unless, provided (that)/only if, so/as long as, on condition that 2. I will give you a raise _____ you work two extra hours a day. (on the condition that) 3. She said she would not go to the party _____you don't apologize. (unless) 4. The economy will go down _____ people don't pay their loans on time. (unless) 5. We agreed to play in the concert ______ the profits go to charity. (only if) 6. The organisers of the event have made arrangements for indoor as well as outdoor activities _______in case of rain 7. We'll be there at about 7.30, _______provided that there's a suitable train. She can go out ___________as long as she promises to be back at midnight. 8._______In case the weather gets worse, we'll stay at home. 9. He can watch TV _______as long as he stays quiet. 10. She won't succeed ________unless she practises regularly. 11. We've installed an alarm link with the local police station ________ in case of burglary. 12. I'm taking last year's accounts with me to the tax office _______ in case they want to look at the figures. 13. _________Provided that there are enough seats, anyone can come on the trip. 14. The organisers of the event have made arrangements for indoor as well as outdoor activities ______in case of rain. 15. He agreed to stay _____________on condition that he might weed out (vypleniut) the poor players at will (kdy se mu zlíbí.