ESSENTIAL MATWORK (X = cviky určené k použití v prvních pěti lekcích) X Breathing X Hip rols X Imprint & release X Scapula isolation X Hip release X Arm circles X Spinal rotation X Head nods X Cat stretch X Elevation & depression of scapule « & 1. ^>^xl =1, X Ab prep 5 to 10 rep Breast stroke 5 to 8 rep X Breast stroke preps 1 -2-3 3 to 5 rep X Shell stretch X Shell stretch Saw10 3 to 5 rep X Hundred 10 sets Neck pull prep 5 to 8 rep X Half roll back 5 to 8 rep Obliques roll back 3 to 5 rep Roll up 5 to 8 rep Side kick 8 to 10 rep X One leg circle 5 rep Side leg lift seriesl ,2,3,4,5 510 to 10 rep X Spine twist 3 to 5 rep X Spine stretch forward 3 to 5 rep X Rolling like a ball 8 to 10 rep Teaser prep 3 to 5 rep X Single leg stretch 8 to 10 rep Single leg extension 6 to 8 rep X Obliques 8 to 10 rep X Swan dive prep 5 to 8 rep Double leg stretch 5 to 10 rep Swimming prep 2 to 4 rep Scissors 8 to 10 rep X Shell stretch Shoulder bridge prep 3 to 6 rep Leg pull front prep 3 to 6 rep X Roll over prep 6 to 8 rep Seal 8 to 10 rep Heel squeeze prone 8 to 10 rep Side bend prep 3 to 5 rep One leg kick prep 5 to 8 rep Push up prep 5 to 10 prep / í UM /Z—Z) allots r) fAc&iJfŕ Jx?üt f /T/eJtU «Á**oU*si'uA*f t '6ici^ ' ^^n^ ' -ŕ r** Ac? fy / ) U 'tu LO /«w* ab ťa . ^ £+<-e^, /kuti^l^J • .— i ^/fííf *~ /' f*íurOedt-1 f^ca^u&ŕ ^LA-^Ilu, p^Utu^ - ^í-mfiíu, /h'luts' s&(ŮU^/ -x tau ffaUls hl i u Ms -7 £3 Wétbt ' 9 /i*- uy čXmž Jy*biť, fl"tr^ ' ^' hmS dielci - U^äiu /m^kk* US /yxKuktu'&ť /Urv^v JyU- fAJtiá-Ú •y. c/ O--— 0 Á b ußa^ to'L, s* ^ 6^/ ^ J • JenuA u • -) /**^ /^ft a f \ .uJÜuu /x^tdcts' ^ÍU^U-' ^/rUuOl- ^WT^^-V^W jj^ ^ ^U'oUU . č*j^jírl^ fitofor» jAý^-'C (*M*j> AjlU JUJ AU/* J?a«*, , ty ft ^u*a/ /rü o- fy4 rfL&'ti*.. yU^^Uy ^ ^u^L JUJ™ V^ý _j LS O 1 í-ř-6 o. /iL^Ct Ur, Q 4 q_ _ fr Ja ■? ^»j.s^u, c Div A$ íuJrdt/ I fyi'W, Á*ut - A^UtH aüA'Lu,^ j<'iu^ frú /loŕíuu ' /JU<ř^(ý O Y, ^f\^ l^y^' ^ edhfič styJ&t^ yřC á> Ju. J- /it^O o '\^fc> -7 jjsMM**^ JhíoLj /M^éti /M^ JL s**^^ ( O -U/Um, /ku*,' cUlt /KTU> ^ ^UkGCc. MĹoJLH/O^; ^ ®^ ^ Mt-a. iWiushiZ ť/ru^c JLUu^ ^ &{<4 \ / t Ci^b >t*] ^ * o o A^ /nluJiG' ícu hi- A"—~] ^ ^'^^^ŕ*-* ^^-t^? ~7j AjjvU't m* tó/ . A L^'ĽL -) glotzt ^ /mx** íQ \( NA áý A^Cßl ~a<„ ^ /„ /j ■ A i-thr* a» ^ tä" e*j k om< elites Ss. ---ar—--1, ~> Ä - - ^ucuiu /unvĽ /ich tu et /Uá,uU)l. j^tDu^1 > JAtvLoJ cíli j*it d+fntziw' , fkMt'M*' i^U^y" ^ ^ ^ 4haut (U u £í c&xL4^tMj / N ,07 AJ r u- yO N Üvdd L* ttvtUi' vyt* Úýu> jyidd /hJ-tha^j /ÍJU-a^ /u+JL^tĽ ^ f^i't ctetnmU' tJUt^ y^p^O Oíä N o -^o o / A. / A)uU , a£ jmHaJim, hul^ M"fuo Iva ktL ^U^^-M^ jjMV^UJ /iLjul /kJxJ jMMal)/Ltrfi /Ut^k* á ■ -u =--r fi'di ů/é suty /4^7>^ ^nuiniLí} ee " — k— /safe P^i^ulL1 A^"^ fee hu fviLfj ^ ^ ^ (y) 7 / tmJ fol^co /hu^u Aful j A