e010 Physical Activities with Diseases and Disabilities – REQUIREMENTS Credit is awarded based on attendance, the quality of the seminar work and practical preparation and demonstration of the compensation plan for the chosen topic. 1) Participation in seminars (max. 2 absences; in case of problems, solve them individually). 2) Seminar work ASSIGNMENT The seminar work will contain a theoretical and a practical part. Theoretical part - Characteristics of the chosen topic - focused mainly on the health and movement problems of the selected topic. Please don't bother with any other general characteristics!!! - Suitable and unsuitable physical activities - Recommendations for physical activity – length, frequency, time, type, etc. Practical part In the practical part, you will describe your designed exercise unit for a given group of people. There will be the name of the exercise, the starting point, the final position, the goal of the exercise, the most common mistakes, etc. You can add pictures. Follow the citations directly in the text. For citations, use APA citation standard number 7. I prefer less but high quality - using professional resources (5-10 pages). 3) A practical demonstration of your designed exercise for the chosen topic.