Adobe Systems nk4060 Alternative trends in regeneration Spring 2024 Content of seminars Date Room Teacher Content 1.3.2024 B11/235 Lipková, Krajňák Basic info+draw of case studies, Kinesiotaping and postural stability, sensomotoric function 15.3.2024 B11/206 Hlinský Scientific approach to athlete's recovery 5.4.2024 B11/311 Mix of all Case studies - 8x Requirements 1. Attendance: •Regular attendance is mandatory for all seminars. •80 % attendance throughout the duration of the seminar sessions. 2. Activities in Seminars: •Active participation in seminar discussions and activities is encouraged. •Students are expected to debate, share opinions, and ask questions during seminars. Requirements 3. Preparation and Presentation of Case Study: •Students may be required to prepare a case study. •The case study should include research, analysis, recommendations, and potential solutions. •Before the presentation, one from the group inserts the presentation into IS. •Students will be expected to present their case study during the last two seminars. Case studies •8 case studies, group of 3, selection by lottery •presentations at the last seminar •each group has a reserved time of 10 minutes of presentation + discussion •specific recommendations from the point of view of regeneration, nutrition, training - try to be specific, it's not enough to just say, you need to include more regeneration, or focus on nutrition. we expect specific recommendations, e.g. a weekly regeneration/nutritional plan, etc. try to approach the case as if it were your client. •the main goal of the presentation is to present a case study, propose a solution to the given problem, use a comprehensive approach •a partial goal is preparation for state exams, try to present in front of a group in English and discuss the topic Requirements 4. Oral Exam: •An oral exam may assess students' understanding of the subject matter. •The exam may cover topics discussed during seminars, case studies, and additional course materials. •Students should be prepared to answer questions and demonstrate their knowledge during the oral exam. •There will always be more than one examiner at the oral exam. Do you have any questions? Great, we can start the lottery of case studies. Lottery - instruction 1.Each of you draws a number. 2.The number will determine with whom you will be in the group for the preparation and presentation of the case study. 3.Find your colleagues from the group (according to the drawn number). 4.One of the group draws a case study for that group. 5.Report the group and case number. Case study groups 1 Kopřiva 2 Hejda 5 Kašpar 4 Džemlová Krýda Kolčavová Vartovník Hnízdilová Štemberová Křipský Bárta Niznerová 7 Sporina 6 Krejčířová 3 Hlisnikowska 10 Rochowanská Šurán Rybová Karásková Pruckl Vítová Kadelová Nedojedlá Koubková