1. Male, 32 years old, half marathoner. He trains 4–5 days a week, sometimes in two phases, the duration of the training is usually 60–90 min. He often suffers from fatigue and weight loss, sometimes he feels pain along the shin bone. He solves the problems with analgesics and caffeine. His goal is to improve his performance in the half marathon. 2. Female, 26 years old, BMI 26, sedentary work, with scoliosis posture. She wants to compensate for her work with physical activity. She goes to the gym 2–3 times a week and sometimes she runs 1–2x/week. She has started to do physical activity due to the back pain and poor posture but after 2 months she has no improvements and is not feeling any better, on the contrary, she has started to suffer from lower back pain and knee pain. 3. Male, 20 years old, a hockey player. He trains 4–5x/week on the ice, 2x/week has a match. He is often in emotional tension, and he suffers from sleeping disorder (insomnia). He usually sleeps 3–4 hours after the hockey match and takes sleeping pills. In general, he feels exhausted, and his performance is not optimal. 4. Female, 28 years old, manager. She works 6x/week and has to travel a lot due to her work. She is constantly stressed and feeling exhausted. She has no time for herself, for eating, for sleeping. Due to her job, she has to wear high heels all the time. She has begun to feel ankle pain and her lumbar lordosis has increased. Doctors threaten her that this lifestyle will lead to serious health complications. 5. Male, 39 years old, he works manually 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. He goes to the gym before or after his work, 4 times a week. He is preparing himself for competition in natural bodybuilding. After anthropometric measurements, he is still not gaining any muscles. As a part of recovery after his training, he applies cold water immersion. 6. Female, 22 years old, biathlete, exercise-induced asthma. This condition especially appears on colder days during practice or competitions. In addition to her medication, she would like to change something in her practice to minimize this complication and maximize her performance. 7. Male, 30 years old, javelin thrower, trains 6 times a week and is preparing for the Olympic Games. He has been trained since childhood and is used to two-phase practice. He suffers from back pain, sacroiliac joint pain, and elbow pain. After his practice, he uses cold water immersion for recovery, his pre-training warm-up routine involves static stretching. 8. Male, 31 years old, trail runner, trains 6 times a week and is preparing for the Golden Trail Series. He has been training in running and athletics for 12 years. Before that was attending regular cycling and football training sessions. He has training sessions once per day with one day for recovery. He has flatfeet on both legs, and ongoing issues with his left Achilles tendon (tendinitis) moreover 2 years ago he suffered a stress fracture of os. tibialis. When 16 years old he suffered a fracture of both os. tibialis and fibula in the ankle area of his right leg. Once per week, he uses the sauna, occasionally attends a massage and does static stretching after some running sessions. 9. Female, 30 years old, competition level floorball player (left sided stick), trains 5 times per week (2 floorball sessions, 1 individual skill session, 1 resistance training session and 1 endurance training session - all of these around 90 min in length) with one competition game (45 min pre-game warm-up, 3x20 min game with 10 minute breaks and 30 min after-game cool-down). ACL rupture surgery in both knees and meniscus in her left knee (left knee 3 years ago, right knee 1 year ago), back pain (more severe on her right lumbar side). She uses foam roller and static stretching during after-game cool-down and after each floorball session, but no other regeneration method. 10. Male, 13 years old, 172cm, 93kg, has been playing handball for 4 years, handball training 90 minutes twice a week, strength training 60 minutes twice a week, plus physical education at school. In addition to training and school, he plays at home on the PC. He complains of pain in his right shoulder, left knee, and lumbar back. Feels short of breath on exertion. His mother wants him to lose weight and get fit. Weight history: at 9 years 144cm/41kg, at 11 years 165cm/63kg, at 12 years 171cm/85kg.