60° SAGITTAL PLANE 180° 0° Neutral 90c FRONTAL PLANE 180° B 0° Neutral HORIZONTAL PLANE 180° Neutral 0 í^odduc*5>^i3(r Neutral Internal rotation (inward] 90° External rotation (outward) W External rotation (outward) 0° Neutral Internal rotation (inward) E 180 180 0 a. 180 er Figure C.6 Range of shoulder joint (glenohumerai) motion: (a) starting position; (b) abduction; (c) sideward-upward elevation of arm (combining abduction of arm and upward rotation of scapula). Adduction (retraction) Elevation B C I« Upward rotation Downward rotation Rhomboids Trapezius Levator scapulae Rhomboids Trapezius Levator scapulae Serratus Anterior Pectoralis minor Trapezius Pectoralis minor 150°, 180c 150 , ------ 0° I30ň ■-..t Neutral L"io° Hyperextension Neutral 90ů 90c B 90c B Extension fdorsiflexion) Neutral 0° Flexion {pa I ma r-f! ex i on) 90ů Neutral Radial q° deviation Ulnar deviation B 120' 0° Neutral FLEXION B 30° or less 0° Neutral EXTENSION 30° or !ess 0C Neutral 90° 90^ ABDUCTION 0° Neutral ADDUCTION 90c Internal rotation (media 0C Neutral 90c Prone Neutral 0° Supine 45i External rotation External rotation (lateral) 90 nternal Externa rotation rotation 90° 90° Internal rotation ROTATION 135( Hyperextension 0° Neutral Extension fdorsi-floxion)^ Inversion Eversion Neutral Flexion 7 Extension 45°. 90* Neutral B Metatarsophalangeal Interphalongeal joint joint Distal interphalongeal joint Proximal interphalongeal joint Extension 40° Abduction Abduction Abduction Abduction Metatarsophalangeal joint Toe spread DorsifJexion Eversion and abduction (pronation) Plantar flexion inversion and adduction (supination) a. b. Lying prone 0° Neutral 20< 0C Neutral a. b. Figure Cl 1 Range of motion in the thoracic and lumbar spine: (a) hyperextension; (b) laterai flexion.