New brands, Re-branding7 Co-bmrrdiitg Many travellers.nowadays šéek^^^ aneĽsu we can say, that travellers are redefining the leisure mark^ v growth of new destinations ancl: new products, including vacation ownership or tímeshare resorts, isio one hotel senior alone can meet today's varying: travel needs, As a result many or'the traditional well-established hotel companies have been convcrted'iiuo multi-brand companies with steadily extending portfolios. Marriott, a traditional hotel owner, now has a specific brand for each, niche of the market. Once timeshare became popular its manage-: ment Ín-tr6d.utíeďMarríqttVaGatióia" Club International, which has become an established leader in the market of tímeshíifé resorts, lladissondecidedlto: benefit from the popularity ■ of cruising holidays and set up the Radisson Seven Seas Cruises fleet. v ,: : ; • According to some other players a big expense in building arid operating a hotel is the. kitchens and restaurants. Hence.; they introduced;partnershipsinÄe;fô ing" as a new hospitality strategy reflecting innovation and maximizing vahté for owners, and guests alike, An example can be strategic placing internationally recognized "restaurants with proven track records of profitability in or beside well-established-hotels. well-established - do!)ŕe zavedený, uznávaný, extending portfolio « rozširujíd se . portfolio, vacation ^prázdniny .. .©■ Listening Comprehension 10: A Story of One H b.teJ You will hear an interview xdith the manager of th&'AirpoW-Mat^t:'hot^i in Miami about changes they made in order to improve:the satisfaction levet, tygHostyfnphish&et. Listen and then do the following tasks. . . ' ., ; '; I. Are the statements true or false? If they are fake-, explain why. :. / 1. Marnott decided to downsize in; 1972; .., 2. It used to be a large mid-market botcl. ! ■?:"". 3. Originally it.was difficultfor guests to find their rooms. / 4. The Courtyard has the smallest capacity. 5. The Fairfield is the cheapest. 6. .There are. regularbuses takinghotel guests, to/from the airport at a very low fare. 7. The.changes macie also led to repositioning, as the new establishment can attract :: target groups froin different.income levels. . :•' ' ;.' U Answerthe following questions:. '.-.'.'■-: ■..■:■'■'■ .: 1. What process did the manager call "tri-brariding'1 and what are its advantages? . exercise 5 2. Explain the term "flagship". There are many abbreviations used in brochures. Match them with the correct they stand for.. . , Exercise 2 Matchthe terms used onboard of a cruiser with their 1. FB s/c 3. nts. •1 l-J&B incl p.d, 7. rtn 8, . HB SO 10. CO a) self-catering b) return ticket c) per day d) full board e) nights f) bed and breakfast g) including h) stay-over i) check-out j) half-board !. cruiser a. hotel; 2,passenger b. .general manager. 3.berth c. heat! receptionist -i.eabin d. floor 5,crew . e, guest . (i.steward y f. bed 7,deck g, staff H.captain 1). room . .Exercise 4 'Practise thefotfowing,stmcture by-a4Min§40ermjQb^in'^te iourismlndustfyande^lyin, why you would Uke that job:. Some fobs-are suggested in the box below. ■ . ■ . '.; ■■-..-'. executive manager, hotisckeeper, hostess, receptionist, chef, maitre d'hotci nigiu auditor, sales manager -...\ ' ' •;■ - Example: If I weren't doing what I'm doing today I'd probably be a . weren't a waiter/waitress, I'd probably be a ... because I like...... because ... If I