EXERCISE 2 CorrspiSta ascii sentence wKh a wořďfreíss &@ I 1 tounst facšSmes boarcs tourist destmsSon {son&of trse worfcfs leading_ 2: - BnSasn's is big business^S3stsihofs pOMROseacSjyea'anditisgrowl^g'aliSnsiJnie. 3. __'nasaccGun!eo for.one srsjx of aiirsvv fobs crested -n 8ie ;ast ICyearS- 4. Tha Government-supported - ..- and separate tounst__for England, Scot?and, Wales and Northern íresarrí are resoonsicie %sr _ Sntatnasa 5. Trie tounst board for Scotland, Wales are ^prtnem sreiane erKourage the dsveioprr,art of _ in Britain. EXERCISE 3 fcaicf) the words with their defirsftioris. íoí/j7sj7j traveller internal tourism individual tourism tourism board complementary service Offieia! group of persons overseeing tounst organisation The industry dealing with tourists Tourism intended for one person. A person who travels Services offered to customers in addition to basic services Tourism withm a country confess tocaism Jsra-jgres tessizsraj fsongrestwy iurisrrcs ísssSí lowfissa íhe!9 tusŘzsm] SázeftsScý turismus : ířss&nKscn [destTBsSnl'icS cesty, cfiová ssanica sonBoSemsntsry seřvfcs Sšornprínieníart savis] dopíňková stažos gusda Igasďi průvodce isín iTHříSser [tua raanfcíža) Marní průvodce 3SK8í5$5ra hkítkr! prfSSiSiV fcS?!ZS!T!} ŠX»íShíásft7Hj)=Čfii CTi Ssseríry iai'Snsren; JSnesář, trasa výiefei, pián cesty cí?síK ífcsentj zákazník STO^ísStHísl T«2ist CfSarjšz=Sc« Ebsssííš tuarist o:o0!3Sňašni Hšrodm organizace CR vsi-.or fvszňai návSěvsík žsesšp ssrvžcs [faešsik sarvis] hfavra siužba tourism peb«c% pjjsrizsns pab'SssS propagsce CR íoíHisE sereíre Suerisi ssrít&j středisko CR siKcsaí interest iounssri jspeši ínsest iusrizamj Semafický CS íoaroparatoíŘourorganissr [tua'opareite, fea'oigsnaizej tCH-iopsrator íravei bureau [travi bjuersu] CK sustainable tourtsm fss'stessate tusrizem] Svale udržitelný CR tourist [tirarist] turista tocsragtoamiering ftusršx, wondsrin] tutisSta raraí tourism [ruarel tusrizstň] venkovský turismus to^r [tue] zájezd You w!B hear part of a travel programme, in which a reporter tsiks about the Scottish i ourist Board. For questions 1-5, fiii in the missing information. ADce is introducing: 1.. Scotland is promoted as a 2.. One of the aims is to promote high quality of 3.. The BTA new tourism strategy is called 5.. Besides overseas marketing resources, 6.. and 4.. _ is aiso promoted. This sectors comprises vocabulary related to the main íopše ai Sús unit I 07 " g^^^^rs!«^íg^'to^pr€^lj^ř0^^5<^s«k Sií^ggtórsBápSíSis^ka ..... šsfennEĚťsi esníra gfaa'masn senisj Éiformačra sířsďsíco Joss eoší trsvsí pfe iKSt treevfj scčiáín! CH tě 3sé cbsscerost 3o íío síh Híarísa^id] ííbí z^em na, uaSosal o to Sss sssítaesieťí &! gnir^sScI zsjiraat se o Í»^sř season / off sessor, {iau si"zn, ot sj^,1 itiimosezona 15 A"- Sourtsm ítuaiizam] cesíavní ruch irtemaLrciiimesgc íoerisni pntaaiai, da'juestac tusrassnj domácí CS travenerrfesvefa] cssftqicf, casRwate! řňíamaťK>na[ toanssn fjnts'nsessnl tuanzsm} mezinárodní turismus servlc* ísa^ris) siuíba pscičagé53EskiGžJbaJi)í.služtíi psssenger Sns&rsnce Ějffisitóe in'suafiafis} chovní portére crganlsod tosňsos [oigenaad tjienzsml o^anlzovany csst ■■ íssói9ffi!iseíi tmirfsro F.an'o:génaizd tusňzetn] -..... isecH^arrizovaný CR inctvadusí tourism pncSVidíuei tuarirsm] ftKSvkiuaJní CR igroi^íot^émign^tuarizwrilskupinovýtuňsmus ., -. ■'■ ^cresScrai íourisr. [rskieis^tuefizOTliBtasacni'fejnsmus t.I^UjFism Grgaossasoa's Qass.fK3t!on of Tourism ^Tou^m compnsesihe acPvlSesof persons celling to and (a)......In places outskie their (b)......; ^fotnotHtorefeanfc) corsecuuve (d) for(e)...... , (f)...... and other purposes^ , .-.^.„. b-di their o^n csuniy._ . jf^^ ^irt^wA^i^r-^denti; iravaiiwg in the given country, :^/Sftpt^^^S^i J»t ft) ^twolves readenjs of one country traveiiing to another country r ;