The International Air Transport Association is oncof the most important intersatioisai professional associations. It is tile world organization of scheduled airlines. It has become the mediator by which individual airlines knit their individual networks into a worldwide public services system, despite GiSsences in languages, currencies, laws and .measurements. Thanks to airline cooperasoathroughthe IATA, individual passengers can, by one telephone call and a payment So a single currency, arrange journeys including many countries and services of several scheduled airlines. Member airlines have developed the Standard IATA Reservaticss Interline Message procedures - Passenger (A1R1MP) for the purpose of communicating with each other when making interline reservations, today usually done by computerized reservation systems in order :o ensure uniforniity, understanding, accuracy and economy. The IATA publishes a iot of manuals containing information and instrucriocs &>- aii sectors of air transport. Its Air!me Coding Directory, for example, published three times a year, is the official industry source for airline designators and location identifiers. Its list of three-digit and three-letter airline codes is a blueprint for everyone working in sir travel business. It also includes currency and country codes, as well as three-letter cedes for all major cities and airports; it lists contacts for reservation departments, control offices addresses, emergency notification, ticketing time limits and minimum cosaecting time coordinators. Charges imposed worldwide by airports, air navigation services providers, and en route charges by countries can be found in the manual called Airport and Air Navigation Charges. Sometimes airlines are put in the unfortunate position of having to invoU- atariiy reroute passengers and then the IATA Airline Guide to Involuntary Rerouting is to be followed. Easy and reliable settlement between participating-customers of the Cargo and Passenger business Is also supervised by the IATA. The lATA'ssnission is also to provide detailed information on vital statistics including passenger and freight traffic IATA database "GABX-'Wbrld Air Transport Statistics" is a unique ca-Hne service, which allows airline companies to perform benchmarking and trend 2saiysis as well as to improve forecasting accuracy. The IATA also sets goals and objectives fx at- transport in general. Among its projects is e.g. replacement of ail paper tickets fey electronic tickets in the near future, . rite implementation of common use of Self-Sei-vicc Check-in Kiosks at airports, and implementation of Radio Frequency Identification technology for baggage sorting and handling to reduce the number of mishandled baggage. The IATA has initiated many intergovernmental agreements, the most important ones are mentioned bellow. The IATA UNÍT9 Í schednSed airlines - linkové letecké společností, mediator ■= zprostředkovatel, currency- roěna, uniformity - jednota, accuracy - přesnost, economy = hospodárnost,. marmsd - návod, manuál, emergency notification - nouzové upozornění, iicketiag = vystavování letenek, minixníiír: connecting rime = čas nutný pro přestup, CňargE « poplatek, impose - uvalit, en-rovitc - pó cestě, ítsvoíimtarily - aedobrovolně, rerouse = přeložit na jiný iet jinou trasou, sefSejneat = urovnání, forecasting = před-pověd;accuracy - přesnost, self-service check-in Kiosk = samoobslužnýstojan pro registraci, baggage sorting =■ třídění zavazadel, mishandled baggage - zatoulané zavazadlo Hie Chicago Convention In 1944, governments concluded a basic convention regulating international air transport in Chicago. Hence, it is called the Chicago convention, it governs relations between countries on both technical and commercial subjects concerning international air trassport. it draws a distinction between scheduled and non-scheduled services. Operation of scheduled international services is subjected to bilateral agreements, known as -bUserals*, signed between two countries. Each country designates its scheduled casrierand the agreements specif)' the rights that the designated carrier enjoys in the Other country, as well as the cities, which may be served by the designated ariines. The rightsof designated carriers to overfly the country or to make a stop for technical reasons only are called the Freedoms of the Air concede a convention = uzavřít dohodu, to be subject to » podléhat, designated = určený, označený jmenovaný (zee: národní přepravce). carrier = přepravce, overfly - přeletět, technical stop « technická zastávka, njezipřistžní The Warsaw Convention An intergovernmental agreement called the Warsaw Convention was concluded in 1929 with the aim of unification of certain ruies relating to international carriage by air. This convention was amended at the Hague in 1955. The convention governs and, in most cases, limits the liability of carriers for death cr personal injury and for loss of or damage to baggage. The convention is applicable if the passenger's journey involves an ultimate destiaaticn or a stop in a country other than the country of departure. carriage = přeprava, liability ■= odpovědnost, injury - úraz, loss - ztráta, applicable = platný, použitelný pro, damage to = škoda na něčem CHAPTER m INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS !N TOUMSM