i Marketing the Past Speaking 2 U Work in two groups, Croup A look at the text below. Group B turn to page 115. GROUP A You work as tour guides at the conference centre in Graz, Austrla.You have been asked to plan a two-hour walk round Oraz. Read your Information, Plan your route, Prepare your talk, Give your talk to someone In Group IJ. I ."The Sell "fcwex— Built It^K/houses largest bell in area.ss and a medieval 9. Keui-- f-rtuvzens University........• founded 1585« Jeiu'if; College/ rebuilt u\"K'.!i"tu.i Palace -erchse& a romantic [''Courtyard /statue o; S"TurK«h eoW»e»" throwina — himself- fo*i garret' ^ /(., Ex^cjeriberoj Palac-e I$Z(J/Yia$ 36£ windows-. ! yfeui fc r cxt.>i day of yaw" ^. P^S.|flt»«9SHng state rooms and teautifui cj^rdenS 5'. The Town Hall - 1 rteocWtic.a! bousn hall I, Wilt fcefcuJaen an l9S3/rteplac*ac* the || Renaissance palace 6, lanclhaoS—p^s^-'J'^j | 1 'i 3eat of pnwinc.ialy Doroenico ^ de.ll 'AlUo m l^!?7/ Renaissance couu-fcyivd Swrrou-nda-J by magnificat arcades o f Q w" Lady of Corvi f<> r(--always a. chap**) Ik ..', ■. (destination manu . piLyr^'rvit; / pr«son& church Wdb Uf./ koe impressive spires. /O. City lar'M fountains designed <>nd cusfc.--f»r ^ ■a. Vienna World lair in IS \i>f. bujo Side pieces houj in Paris /< Mastic -tegurt ih if / ^ Gothic fyle/dowHt «pi wt t'ai'rcqi'g. { tmll 'if99 ,J|!* cathedral in the Go Thic Shde/ «. p(C,hw"c of- the Sum'ijes $ of- &od on South side op I Church cornrvierAoral-Ing the BlacX Death/ attach?3 by the Tux Ks Shown as the invasion of-the locusts .: 7. Regional Arsenal-U>or 16'$ largest' historicalarmoury / 3o,000-t- harnesses and weapons Follow-up 15 Collect Information about your local area and design a guided tour for a group of foreign students visiting your town. Or choose a museum you would like to visit and give a talk on one of its exhibits.