Vilage Tourism Village tourism encourages the development of local style accommodation In or near interesting traditional villages where tourists stay, eat locally prepared meals and observe . and participate in village activities, Facilities are constructed and run by villagers who also; supply restaurants offering local cuisine with local ingredients. Local crafts represent the most important type of gifts tourists buy. The benefits from tourtsm are received directly by the villagers and tourists learn about local lifestyle and traditions, arts, activities. If managed1 properly, village tourism can generate a number of new jobs. to tun a facility = vést zařízení/podnik, to supply = zásobovat, local cuisine - místní kuchyní, gift = upomínkový dárek/suvenýr Camping and Caravan Tourism This segment of tourism has gone through fast transformation connected with the. development of recreational vehicles. Tents are no longer the only type of accommodation to be seen at campsites, People come in. various mobile homes, sometimes also called campers, which are motorised road vehicles providing sleeping, kitchen, lounge and often shower and toilet facilities. The shift from tents to campers forced the owners of campsites to upgrade their properties, Today campgrounds are located near touring roads and are usually designed as integrated resorts with adequate infrastructure, especially water supply, waste management and electric power distributed to individual camper pitches, Tourists without their own shelters can stay in chalets or bungalows. Many camping sites provide on-site entertainment facilities, animation programmes for kids and wellness programmes for health concious tourists. caravan => obytný přívěs, camper = obytný automobil, tent - stan, campsite = kerapink, water supply » dodávka vody, waste management » odpadní hospodářství, pitch - místo na stan/obytný automobil, animation programme ■ organizovaný zábavný program, wellness = fitness, masáže, solaria, atd. Religious Tourism Religious tourism is a term used for pilgrimages, or trips being made to important religious sites. It is a significant form of tourism for all religions of the world. Some sites attract mostly domestic tourists, while others also attract large numbers of international pilgrims. Appropriate crowd management techniques must usually be applied to avoid problems In destinations, which can become fairly congested during pilgrimages. ■ pilgrimage - náboženská pouť, domestic = domácí, pilgrim - poutník, crowd = dav, congested »přelidněný , S Health or Spa Tourism Health tourism refers to travel to facilities and destinations for obtaining health-care services or health-related benefits. There are two main reasons why people travel to spas - rehabilitation and recuperation and fitness and wellness. To recover from Illness people often travel to a destination that offers special care and treatment or is located in an area considered to be particularly beneficial to one's health. This first reason for visiting spas has a long.tradition in our country, especially In the so-called "Spa region" in western Bohemia, Today, however, more and more healthy people go to spas In order to "re-charge batteries" by participating In preventive health procedures, such as dieting, weight-loss, relaxation and exercise. Obviously, a healthy guest has different requirements than the one in a bad health condition. To meet the fast growing demand for these wellness stays reflecting the new lifestyle of predominantly affluent people, spas must quickly develop new recreational and sports facilities and amenities, Fitness is an Integral component of the wellness experience most spa guests seek, Fitness centres and exercise programmes comprise a significant portion of the spa outlay today. healthcare ■= zdravotní péče, spa - lázně, recuperation » zotavení se, to recover = uzdravit se, treatment» péče, dieting - dicta, weight-loss =■ hubnutí, exercise = cvičení Alternative Tourism Alternative tourism appeared as a response to criticism of tourism based on.lts negative impacts. Alternative tourism forms use various labels such as soft tourism, green tourism, responsible tourism, community tourism, ecotourlsm or new age tourism. All these forms share, In contrast to mass tourism, an emphasis on small-scale development, an active experience for tourists, direct contact between hosts and guests and local control over the tourism development.. In many cases it strengthens the base for tourism in regions, However, a question persists If alternative forms of tourism could be viable economic substitutions for conventional forms of tourism as small-scale operations can hardly provide the economic returns of conventional tourism. active experience * aktivní zkušenost, host - hostitel, viable - životaschopný, substitution = náhrada 5 si oj 'S' r o a a. z SB