Components of the Travel Industry 1__:_ The individual traveller is concerned about where to go, how to get there, where to stay, where to eat, and what to see. Trie travel industry is organised to meet these concerns in a variety of ways: travel agents and tour companies, transport companies, hotel reservation systems, ground transport companies, restaurant reservation systems and local or national tourism boards. The first interest in the mind of the prospective traveller is where, to go and what to see. The mass of information available to satisfy the travellers curiosity is almost unfimited. Nearly every nation has a national tourism board Business activities in tourism have been fuBy liberalised. The Government is teen to encourage tourism and state policy is directed to support rJevetopmertof thevarioKrerjkx^ (CTA) is resportsfole for promoting the Czech Republic and raising its profile both at home and abroad. CTA branches were set up in Amsterdam. Benin, Brussels, London, Milan, Moscow, New 'rbrk, fans, Rome, Tbkyo, Toronto Vienna and Madrid Visitors to Prague may use CTA services on the Old Town Square. Th© Structure of the services, which satisfy Ihe needs of participants in tciin^, s heterogeneous. This structure enables the services to be classified into two mam groups^ (according to the Importance of the consumers* demands)- basic services and complementary service*. i > K Basic services include trarspcrtatiorv acccn^^ catering, white complementary services incorporate spa-services, congress services, services in rural tourism, guided tours, socic-cultural fna^Bi^P^^ffheaias;' ovseunsl^OrHecrealkn services, ina^S!M«8^jjJ8«f^ insurance ■ ■ services and many others. &s . .t:.-.,- ■ ?=.■ ■■ Comprehension check Afterreadfetg the article "Components of the Travel lKfcistrv"crioos«th9inc^sullal^head^fiotn the Hst A—D for each part 1-3 of the artfcte. There is one extra heading which you dont need to use. Í A Tourism board and its responsSMy i B Special-purpose destinations . Supplementary reading B C The classification of tourism services D Meeting individual traveller's concerns Tourism in the Czech Republic The Czech Republic is easily accessible, particularly for visitors from European countries. Other tourists coming from more distant continents can use the services of the Prague airport. Other development plans for airports in Brno, Ostrava and Karlovy Vary have been proposed. Most foreign tourists come to the Czech Republic by roadway. The existing motorway network Is being expanded Visitors are offered services of well-known car-rental companies. The Czech government has decided to build special rail corridors which will enable high quality linkage with the European railway network. The Czech Republic offers its visitors a wide selection of tourist attractions. There are over 2000 castles and chateaux atone. Ten percent of those are open to the public- Marry Czech towns and cities are proud of their historical centres. Prague, Český Krumlov, Telč and Kutná Hora appear on the UNESCO World Mature lovers: wf8 appreciate iheposs&rffity to enjoy both summer and winter sports. The National Parks Krtaic^Sumava, Podyjf and Cesk6 Svycarsko were established to protect rare and valuable plant and animal He. WBdfifeTOotons offer many opportunities for -sport and tourism,.game hunting, angHngr or Sshir^Tnecountrylsctotiedwrm ■: ■ : r , Hilly regions are particularly suitable for tounsts wishing to spend their holiday at famify farms. In fact, agro-tourism is becoming an important part of the Czech tourism sndustry. _ Some visitors may be attracted by the country's numerous spas and spa towns. Many of them have Been Internationally known for a tong tens. ■ ? -si_£atJ - _ * * .>i*«-£te .-> < Major events promoting tourism, held in the Czech pepubtic, Include EnternaSortal fairs and exhibitions. ;»ervKwby dor^ and tour,operator*TOeflir^^ pgjonaJ tourism, has become a part of the fair. - ■ Every year Prague hosts *Hoiiday World*, the Central European Tourism Fair, together with an exhttHtJon featuring irKfMaual Czechs Comprehension check For questions 1-3, choose the answer (A, B or C) which you think fits best according to the text 1. Most foreign tourists come to the Czech Republic A by plane (the Prague airport is being enlarged in order to provide passengers with greater comfort) B by train (new corridors are being built) C by car or coach (existing motorway network is being expanded) 2. Nature lovers will appreciate A 2000 castles and chateaux B the renowned spa town of Karlovy Vary C the National parks where valuable plant and animal life is protected 3. "Regiontour" is A the exhibition of foreign agencies in Prague B the exhibition of regional tourism held in Brno C the exhibition of domestic tourism held in Prague Vocabulary feedback EXERCISE 1 Read the sentences and decide which word or phrase (A, B or C) best fits each space. 1) The Czech Republic is easily_ A) accessWe B) gained particularly for visitors from European countries. C) obtained 2) The Goivernment is keen to encourage_ A) hiking B) tourism fna^rtas a ratkx^ tourism__j A) head office B) board 4) CTA "v _"- ' war* setup in many countries. A) tributary 8) subsidiary; C) WtchhBdng C)fieadouarters C) branches services Include fot example ccngress services ar^ money chaiigina A}Córrq)lefnentary B) Subsidiary C> Accessory in <■ < __._ is becoming an Ernportart part of the C^ech tourism industry. AVAnrtVámirisin B CannJiunhm ^ r*\ >—;--u---. »----»-----